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侯庆联1, 陈新军1,2,3,4,5, 汪金涛1,2,3,4,5
1.上海海洋大学海洋科学学院, 上海 201306;2.农业部大洋渔业开发重点实验室, 上海 201306;3.国家远洋渔业工程技术研究中心, 上海 201306;4.大洋渔业资源可持续开发教育部重点实验室, 上海 201306;5.农业部大洋渔业资源环境科学观测实验站, 上海 201306
通过了解西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼(Illex argentinus)资源丰度年间变化规律,从而对阿根廷滑柔鱼的资源可持续开发与管理打下基础。作者根据2012~2017年西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼生产统计数据,利用灰色关联评价等数理方法对西南大西洋资源渔场的时空分布特征进行了分析。结果表明,2012~2017年间西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼渔场重心主要在经度上分布于58°W~63°W海域,纬度主要集中在41°~44°S、47°~48°S两个区域,高平均网次产量(>10 t/网)的海域主要在57°W~67°W、41°S~42°S和57°W~67°W、44°S~50°S海域。灰色关联度表明:6年间,以2015年滑柔鱼资源状况最好,其次是2014年,2012年最差,2013年、2016年和2017年处于中间水平。利用灰色关联分析的阿根廷滑柔鱼资源丰度变化趋势可用于其资源的可持续开发与管理。
关键词:  西南大西洋  阿根廷滑柔鱼(Illex argentinus)  作业渔场  时空分布  灰色关联度
Study on spatio-temporal distribution of Illex argentinus in southwest Atlantic Ocean
HOU Qing-lian1, CHEN Xin-jun1,2,3,4,5, WANG Jin-tao1,2,3,4,5
1.College of Marine Sciences of Shanghai Ocean University Shanghai 201306, China;2.Key Laboratory of Oceanic Fisheries Exploration, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 201306, China;3.National Engineering Research Center for Oceanic Fisheries, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;4.Key Laboratory of Sustainable Exploitation of Oceanic Fisheries Resources, Ministry of Education, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;5.Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Oceanic Fishery Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 201306, China
Sustainable development and management of Illex argentinus in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean relay on the clear understanding of annual variation in abundance. According to the fishery data of I. argentinus in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean from Chinese Squid-jigging Science and Technology during 2012 to 2017, the spatio-temporal distribution of I. argentinus on fishing ground were analyzed by the means of grey correlation degree. The results showed that the center of longitudinal gravities of I. argentinus were mainly distributed on the area between 58°W and 63°W, and the center of latitudinal gravities of I. argentinus were mainly distributed in the regions of 41°-44°S and 47°-48°S, with a higher average catch per net (>10 t/net) in the areas of 57°W-67°W, 41°S-42°S, 57°W-67°W, 44°S-50°S. Grey correlation showed that the biomass of I. argentinus from lowest to highest were in 2012, 2016, 2013, 2017, 2014, 2015, respectively. The method of grey correlation can be used for evaluating the biomass of I. argentines and sustainable development and management of its resource in Southwest Pacific Ocean.
Key words:  southwest Atlantic  Illex argentinus  fishing ground  spatial and temporal distribution  grey correlation degree
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