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张连杰1, 朱龙海2, 张盼1, 赵博1, 王鹏1
1.国家海洋环境监测中心, 辽宁 大连 116023;2.中国海洋大学, 山东 青岛 266100
关键词:  渤海湾  元素地球化学  因子分析  自生化学沉积  缺氧环境
Geochemical distribution and its controlling factors of the surface sediments in the Bohai Bay
ZHANG Lian-jie1, ZHU Long-hai2, ZHANG Pan1, ZHAO Bo1, WANG Peng1
1.National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian 116023, China;2.Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
The geochemistry and particle size of 307 surface sediment samples collected from the Bohai Bay were analyzed. The surface sediments in the Bohai Bay show 4 element assemblages:philo-clastic element assemblage (SiO2 and Na2O) enriched in coarse-grained deposition area, philo-clay element assemblage (Al2O3 and most of the heavy metal elements) enriched in fine-grained deposition area, redox sensitive elements assemblage (MnO, V, and TOC) associated with anoxic environment and terrestrial element assemblage (CaO and TiO2) related to river input. Particle size dominates the overall distribution pattern of the element contents in the sediment from the Bohai Bay; different river sources strongly affect the element content differences between the southern (rich in Na2O, CaO and SiO2) and the northern (rich in Ba and P2O5) parts of the Bohai Bay; the erosion and redistribution of fast flowing tidal currents to the sediments lead to a strip-like enrichment of Sr and Ca in south of Caofeidian; the enrichment of organic matter in fine-grained deposition area leads to the formation of anoxic environment and marine autogenous chemical deposition of K2O, Mn, V and authigenic pyrite; human activities cause an abnormal enrichment of heavy metal elements (represented by Pb) in river estuaries, ports and coastal waters; the distinct sources between the lagoon (marine calcareous deposition) on the inner side of the Caofeidian sand bar and the underwater bank slope (terrigenous clastic deposition) on the outside of the Caofeidian sand bar, leads to local element differences under the unique geomorphic sedimentary environment.
Key words:  Bohai Bay  elemental geochemistry  factor analysis  authigenic chemical deposition  anoxic environment
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