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李静1,2, 杨晓飞1,2
1.国家海洋局海洋溢油鉴别与损害评估技术重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266033;2.国家海洋局北海环境监测中心, 山东 青岛 266033
关键词:  美国海洋保护区  海洋保护区国家管理体系  纳入国家管理体系的资质要求
The national system of Marine Protected Areas of the United States of America and its implications for China
LI Jing1,2, YANG Xiao-fei1,2
1.Laboratory of Marine Spill Oil Identification and Damage Assessment Technology, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao 266033, China;2.North China Sea Environmental Monitoring Center, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao 266033, China
This study probes the national system of Marine Protected Areas of the United States of America from the perspectives of legislation, administrative organization and division of functions, qualification requirements, and procedures. By considering the problems existing in the management of the marine protected areas in China, this study introduces methodologies to improve the laws and regulations of the marine protected areas, establish and improve the integrated management network system of the marine protected areas, and improve the monitoring and coordination mechanism of the marine protected areas. This should further enhance the standardization of the marine protected area management in China, improve the management system of the marine protected areas, protect our marine ecology, achieve effective utilization of the marine resources, and promote the development of the marine ecological civilization construction in China.
Key words:  Marine Protected Areas of the United States of America  national system of Marine Protected Areas  qualification requirements of the national system
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