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王涛, 潘国富, 张济博
自然资源部第二海洋研究所, 浙江 杭州 310012
关键词:  侧扫声呐图像  K-means聚类  数学形态学  边缘检测  自动提取
Automatic extracting target contour of side-scan sonar images by uniting K-means clustering with mathematical morphology
WANG Tao, PAN Guo-fu, ZHANG Ji-bo
Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Hangzhou 310012, China
To address the issues of strong speckle noise and severe scattering interference of seabed background in side-scan sonar images along with difficulty in the automatic extraction of seabed target contour, an automatic extraction algorithm of seabed target contour based on K-means clustering and mathematical morphology is proposed. First, the algorithm uses median filtering to eliminate strong speckle noise in the sonar images. Second, the K-means clustering algorithm is used for the segmentation of the side-scan sonar images, and the process of binarization is used to remove most of the seabed background noise along with a preliminary extraction of the target. Third, mathematical morphology is used to eliminate the isolated noise in the extraction result, and the internal hole of the target is filled to obtain continuous and smooth target edge. At last, edge detection is performed on the processed side-scan sonar images, and the target contour is extracted. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is simple and easy to implement and has a strong ability to overcome background noise. The automatic extraction of the target contour has good continuity, and the results are accurate and reliable. At present, in the process of extracting target contour of the side-scanning sonar image, the manual method is mainly adopted, and the automaticity is poor and the efficiency is low. The proposed algorithm can achieve the automatic extraction of target contours, improve their efficiency, and has a strong practical value.
Key words:  side-scan sonar image  K-means clustering  mathematical morphology  edge detection  automatic extraction
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