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陆昊1, 李卫东2, 王沛政2
1.海南大学 海洋学院, 海南 海口 570228;2.海南热带海洋学院 水产与生命学院, 海南 三亚 572022
目前海洋微塑料对海洋生物的生存及人类的健康已经造成了严重的影响。为探究微塑料对我国海南岛近海珊瑚礁常见珊瑚肉芝软珊瑚的影响,本实验将肉芝软珊瑚长时间暴露于微塑料环境中,测定在此过程中的虫黄藻密度,叶绿素含量,以及部分关键酶的活性。结果显示:在微塑料胁迫后,共生虫黄藻的密度在第1天开始显著下降,并在15天后达到最低值(1.52±0.06)×106cell/cm2P<0.05);叶绿素含量在50天内显著下降,在第50天时达到最低值3.45±0.35μg/cm2;SOD活性和CAT活性在3天内显著升高,并在第三天达到最高值,分别为34.39±1.33 U/mg prot和34.80±1.51 U/mg prot,此后显著下降;同样GST活性也迅速上升,在第1天和第15天出现两个峰值,分别是1.22±0.04 U/mg prot和1.33±0.04 U/mg prot;而ACP与AKP活性也有迅速下降趋势。本实验为研究微塑料环境对珊瑚礁的影响提供数据支持。
关键词:  微塑料  肉芝软珊瑚  虫黄藻  叶绿素  酶活性
Effects of long-term exposure to microplastics on Sarcophyton trocheliophorum
LU Hao1, LI Wei-dong2, WANG Pei-zheng2
1.Hainan University, Haikou 570228, Hainan;2.Hainan Tropical marine university, Sanya 572022, Hainan
At present, marine microplastics have serious impacts on marine organisms and human health. To investigate the effect of microplastics on Sarcophyton trocheliophorum, which is a common coral in the coastal coral reefs of Hainan Island in China, S. trocheliophorum nubbins were exposed to a microplastic environment for a long time, and the density of zooxanthellae, chlorophyll content, and the activity of some key enzymes were determined in this work. The results showed that the density of zooxanthellae began to decrease significantly on the first day, and reached its lowest value (1.52±0.06)×106 cell/cm2 after 15 days microplastic stress (P<0.05). The chlorophyll content decreased significantly within 50 days and reached the lowest value of (3.45±0.35) μg/cm2 on the 50th day. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and catalase (CAT) activity increased significantly within three days and reached the highest value at the third day:(34.39±1.33) U/mg prot and (34.80±1.51) U/mg prot, respectively. Since then, they began to significantly decline. The glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity also increased rapidly, with two peak values on the first day and the 15th day:(1.22±0.04) U/mg prot and 1.33±0.04 U/mg prot, respectively. However, the acid phosphatase (ACP) and alkaline phosphatase (AKP) activities decreased rapidly. This experiment provides data support for the impact of microplastics environment on coral reefs.
Key words:  microplastics  Sarcophyton trocheliophorum  zooxanthellae  chlorophyll  enzymatic activity
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