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张辉, 线薇薇
关键词:  环境DNA  生态监测  生物多样性  资源保护
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41976094和31872568); 中国科学院海洋大科学研究中心重点部署项目(COMS2019Q14); 中国科学院国际合作项目(GJHZ1885)
Application of Environmental DNA Technology in Ecological Conservation and Monitoring
Zhang Hui, Xian Weiwei
Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Biodiversity decline, Ecosystem function degradation, and global climate change are major global issues for us. It is important to carry out comprehensive and accurate ecological monitoring to identify and clarify biodiversity for ecological conservation and sustainable use on the premise of avoiding further damage to the current ecological environment. The development of environmental DNA technology (eDNA) provides a new method for ecological and biodiversity monitoring. eDNA is one of the hot topics in recent years and has been widely used in ecological monitoring internationally. However, the research based on eDNA in China, especially in marine ecological monitoring, are very lacking. The present review summarizes the development of eDNA technology and the achievements based on eDNA technology at home and abroad. Several major aspects are introduced, such as the complementarity between eDNA technology and traditional monitoring methods, monitoring species life history process based on eDNA technology, estimating species abundance based on eDNA technology, and studying the changes in the structure of the ecosystem based on eDNA technology. The research fields and directions of the application of eDNA technology are explained and the applicability and importance of eDNA technology in ecological monitoring are revealed as well. And also, some problems of eDNA technology are pointed out in the present review. This review has certain reference value for ecological conservation and monitoring, conservation and sustainable use resources.
Key words:  Environmental DNA  Ecological Monitoring  Biodiversity  Resources Conservation
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