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陈海洲, 谢琳
海南省海洋与渔业科学院, 海南 海口 571126
关键词:  莺歌海  人工沙滩  岸线演变  数值模拟  模型验证
Shoreline numerical simulation and model verification methods of artificial beach in Sanyingcun bank, Yinggehai
CHEN Hai-zhou, XIE Lin
Hainan Academy of Ocean and Fisheries Sciences, Haikou 571126, China
This paper presents a case study on an artificial beach project in Sanyingcun bank, Yinggehai. According to measured shoreline results in the first year after the completion of the project, the evolution of the shoreline after the development of the artificial beach needs to be further studied and analyzed. This study uses generalized model for simulating shoreline change (GENESIS) to simulate shoreline changes after the creation of the artificial beach. Then, three methods are used to verify the model. Based on the verified model, this study analyzes the shoreline evolution one year, three years, and five years after the completion of the artificial beach project. Results show that the GENESIS model is applicable for the artificial beach project through a combination of sand-blocking dikes and offshore breakwaters. One year after the creation of the artificial beach, the nourishment shoreline takes a concave-convex form characterized by erosion and siltation changes, but not in a wide range. After five years, the rate of erosion and siltation slows down and gradually becomes balanced. Thus, this study can be an important reference for implementing beach nourishment strategies after the project completion.
Key words:  Yinggehai  artificial beach nourishment  shoreline evolution  numerical simulation  model verification
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