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蔡润佳, 汤保贵, 陈刚, 张健东, 黄建盛, 潘传豪, 初庆柱, 王忠良, 张静
广东海洋大学水产学院, 广东 湛江 524088
为了研究雷州半岛红树林短吻鲾(Leiognathus brevirostris)各个形态特征与体质量的相关性,对随机选取的153尾短吻鲾的全长(X1)、体长(X2)、头长(X3)、体高(X4)、眼径(X5)、眼间距(X6)、吻长(X7)、尾柄长(X8)、尾柄高(X9)、吻端至第一背鳍起点(X10)、吻端至胸鳍起点(X11)、吻端至腹鳍起点(X12)、吻端至臀鳍起点(X13)等13个指标和体质量(Y)进行逐一测量,根据所得数据整理出各个性状的表型参数,计算各个指标与体质量以及不同指标两两之间的相关系数,并分别求出以体质量(Y)为因变量、其他性状(Xi)为自变量的通径系数以及决定系数。结果表明,短吻鲾的13个形态性状对体质量的相关系数皆达极显著水平(P<0.01);在通径分析中,短吻鲾仅体长(X2)、吻长(X7)、全长(X1)3个形态性状对体质量数据的通径系数达到极显著水平(P<0.01),可将其确定为影响体质量的主要性状,其中体长对体质量的直接影响最大(P2=0.570);通过逐步线性回归分析,确定回归方程为:Y=-8.366+0.570X2+0.148X7+0.266X1。决定系数显示,体长对体质量的决定系数最大,达到32.5%。各共同决定系数的总和∑d为0.908,大于0.85,表明本研究中已经将影响短吻鲾体质量的主要形态性状全部纳入。此研究有助于确定并量化短吻鲾不同性状间的关系。
关键词:  红树林  短吻鲾(Leiognathus brevirostris)  形态性状  通径分析  多元回归方程
Correlation and path coefficient analysis of the body weight and morphometric traits of Leiognathus brevirostris in Leizhou Peninsula
CAI Run-jia, TANG Bao-gui, CHEN Gang, ZHANG Jian-dong, HUANG Jian-sheng, PAN Chuan-hao, CHU Qing-zhu, WANG Zhong-liang, ZHANG Jing
Fisheries College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China
The correlations between various morphological characteristics and the body weight of Leiognathus brevirostris of the Leizhou Peninsula in South China were investigated by measuring the full length (X1), body length (X2), head length (X3), body height (X4), eye diameter (X5), eye spacing (X6), kiss length (X7), tail handle length (X8), tail handle height (X9), kiss end to first dorsal fin starting point (X10), kiss end to pectoral fin starting point (X11), kiss end to beginning of the pelvic fin (X12), start of kiss to anal fin (X13), and body weight (Y) of 153 randomly selected individuals and sorting the phenotypic parameters of each trait according to the data obtained. The correlation coefficients between each of the 13 morphological traits and body weight and among the various morphological traits were then calculated, and the path coefficient and coefficient of determination were determined using the body weight (Y) as the dependent variable and the other traits (Xi) as the independent variables. It was found that the correlations between each morphological trait and body weight were extremely significant (P<0.01). However, in the path analysis, only the full length (X1), body length (X2), and kiss length (X7) were highly significantly related to body weight (P<0.01), indicating that these are the main traits that affect body weight, with stepwise linear regression analysis giving a regression equation of Y=-8.366 + 0.570X2 + 0.148X7 + 0.266X1. Among these, body length had the largest direct effect (P2=0.570) and also had the largest coefficient of determination for body weight, reaching 32.5%. The sum of the common decision coefficients ∑d was 0.908, which is greater than 0.85, indicating that all of the major morphological traits that affect the weight of L. brevirostris were included in this study. These findings help to determine and quantify the relationship between the various traits of L. brevirostris and to understand the degree of association between them.
Key words:  mangrove forest  Leiognathus brevirostris  morphological trait  path analysis  multiple regression equation
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