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林兴管1,2, 张翔1,2, 滕爽爽1,2, 肖国强1,2, 蔡逸龙1,2
1.浙江省海洋水产养殖研究所, 浙江 温州 325005;2.浙江省近岸水域生物资源开发与保护重点实验室, 浙江 温州 325005
为了优化蛏苗集约化平面流中间培育技术,研究了不同进水流速和苗种规格对缢蛏中间培育效果的影响,并分析了集约化平面流中间培育系统的水质状况。结果显示,不同进水流速对缢蛏稚贝生长影响显著,稚贝生长速率随进水流速增加而增加,但成活率下降。通过流速与成活率和体质量日增生长量的线性回归分析,估算0.163 L/s为适宜的进水流速。在适宜流速和相同放苗重量下,大规格苗种(8万粒/kg)生长速度显著高于小规格苗种(18万粒/kg),但因为小规格组放苗数量多,小规格组单位面积质量较其高出23.72%。除低流速组以外,平面流中间培育过程对叶绿素a和铵态氮有良好的去除效果,去除率分别达到36.99%和3.88%以上,这表明平面流集约化中间培育在利用海水池塘水体进行苗种中间培育的同时,也起到了池塘养殖水体的净化作用。综合认为,在养殖密度0.5 kg/m2、流速0.163 L/s的培育条件下,可以保证水体自污染程度较低,缢蛏苗种生长较快,成活率在73.12%以上。
关键词:  缢蛏  平面流培育系统  中间培育  流速  苗种规格
Effect of different flow rates and sizes on the growth and survival of Sinonovacula constricta juveniles in the circulatory raceway system
LIN Xing-guan1,2, ZHANG Xiang1,2, TENG Shuang-shuang1,2, XIAO Guo-qiang1,2, CAI Yi-long1,2
1.Zhejiang Mariculture Research Institute, Wenzhou 325005, China;2.Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Exploitation and Preservation of Coastal Bio-Resource, Wenzhou 325005, China
This study aimed to reduce the intermediate culture period of seedlings of Sinonovacula constricta and accelerate the culture of large-sized products. The effects of flow rate and size on the growth and water quality of the seedlings were investigated in a circulatory raceway system. Seedlings with a mean initial weight of 0.076 g±0.005 g were reared at three different flow rates (i.e., 0.12, 0.16, and 0.21 L/s) in a flat sink for 45 d. Results showed that the specific growth rate and weight gain rate increased rapidly with the increase in flow rate, whereas, the mortality rate showed a reverse pattern. The ecological economical flow rate was calculated to be 0.163 L/s on the basis of the survival rate with daily average weight gain rate. When the system flow rate was 0.163 L/s, the growth rate of the large-sized group (80 000 individuals/kg) was significantly higher than that of the small-sized group (180 000 individuals/kg). Meanwhile, the weight per unit area of the large-sized group was lower than that of the small-sized group by 23.72% because the number of seedlings in the small-sized group was larger than that of the large-sized group. In addition to the low flow rate, the intermediate process of planar flow has a good removal effect on chlorophyll a and ammonium nitrogen, with removal rates of 36.99% and 3.88%, respectively. This finding indicates that planar flow induces intensive intermediate cultivation, while, the use of seawater and pond water for the intermediate cultivation of seedlings plays a role in purifying these water bodies. The results of this study indicate that the minimum degree of self-pollution and growth and survival rates higher than 73.12% can be guaranteed at a culture density of 0.5 kg/m2 and a flow rate of 0.163 L/s.
Key words:  Sinonovacula constricta  recirculating raceway system  intermediate culture  flow rate  size
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