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莫秋云1,2, 廖智强1, 刘伟豪2, 蒋立2, 管会森2, 何声文1
1.桂林电子科技大学海洋信息工程学院, 广西 桂林 541004;2.桂林电子科技大学机电工程学院, 广西 桂林 541004
为了准确评估海岛风电系统中小型风力发电机的绿色效益,以南海某海岛(记为South)和东海某海岛(记为East)为例,引入全生命周期评价技术,在此基础上进行多场景因素分析,并以能量偿还时间为指标,对比两安装地评估结果,对风机进行预安装评估。评估关键在于,利用Gabi软件balance模块得出风机生命周期生命周期总能耗,无场景因素下总能耗为2 331.36 MJ (South)与2 372.83 MJ (East),多场景因素下总能耗为2 110.01 MJ (South)与2 151.03 MJ (East);通过实验获得风机在不同风速下的功率特性数据,采用概率论求解法求得安装后风机年发电量为276.45 kWh (South)与304.96 kWh (East);通过EPBT偿还公式计算得到,无场景因素偿还时间为2.34 a (South)与2.16 a (East)、多场景因素偿还时间为2.12 a (South)与1.96 a (East)。结果表明:在评估过程中引入场景因素,风机绿色效益评估更准确;该评估可以给海岛小型风机的安装选址提供参考,避免造成不必要的资源浪费。
关键词:  海岛风电  海岛小型风机生命周期评价  海岛小型风机生命周期场景  能量偿还时间
Pre-installation assessment of small island wind turbines based on multi-scenario life cycle assessment
MO Qiu-yun1,2, LIAO Zhi-qiang1, LIU Wei-hao2, JIANG Li2, GUAN Hui-sen2, HE Sheng-wen1
1.College of Marine Information Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology, Guilin 541004, China;2.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology, Guilin 541004, China
In order to accurately assess the green benefits of small- and medium-sized wind turbines on island wind power systems, this paper examines an island in the South China Sea (hereafter, “South”) and another in the East China Sea (hereafter, “East”) and applies life cycle assessment (LCA) technology. Based on multi-scenario factor analysis and energy payback time (EPBT), the two installation site results are assessed for their wind turbine energy potential. The key to the evaluation is the use of a GaBi software balance module to calculate the total energy consumption over the wind turbine life cycles. In the absence of scenario factors, the total energy consumption is 2 331.36 MJ (South) and 2 372.83 MJ (East). Under multi-scenario factors, the total energy consumption is 2 110.01 MJ (South) and 2 151.03 MJ (East). The power characteristics of the turbines at different wind speeds are obtained via experimentation. The annual power output of the turbines after installation on the islands is 276.45 kWh (South) and 304.96 kWh (East), obtained via the probability theory solution method. According to the EPBT payback formula, the no-scenario factor payback time is 2.34 a (South) and 2.16 a (East), while multi-scenario factor payback time is 2.12 a (South) and 1.96 a (East). The results show that scenario factors are introduced into the evaluation process, rendering the green benefit evaluation of the wind turbine more accurate. The evaluation can provide a reference for the installation site selection of small-scale fans on islands, thus avoiding an unnecessary waste of resources.
Key words:  island wind power  life cycle assessment of small island wind turbines  life cycle scenario of small island wind turbines  energy payback time
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