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刘二田1, 何园园1, 顾志峰1, 石耀华1, 王爱民1,2, 刘春胜1
1.海南大学 海洋学院, 海南 海口 570228;2.海南大学 南海海洋资源利用国家重点实验室, 海南 海口 570228
以蓝色、棕黄色和绿色三种不同外套膜颜色的番红砗磲(Tridacna crocea)为实验对象,设置5 000 lx、10 000 lx和15 000 lx三组光照强度,探究了番红砗磲外套膜颜色变化与光照强度的相关性。结果表明:(1)在不同光照强度下,蓝色个体外套膜颜色加深,棕黄色个体颜色变化不大,而绿色个体外套膜颜色变浅。(2)蓝色个体在光照刺激2周后外套膜颜色即出现显著变化,0~2周色差为13.81~21.59;在不同光照强度刺激下,棕黄色和绿色个体的外套膜颜色的色差随时间延长而逐渐增强,4~6周外套膜颜色色差最大。(3)番红砗磲原外套膜颜色类别对其外套膜颜色红绿特征数值(a)和黄蓝特征数值(b)影响显著(P<;0.05);光照强度对番红砗磲外套膜颜色黄蓝特征数值(b)影响显著(P<;0.05);光照强度和番红砗磲原外套膜颜色类别的交互作用对红绿特征数值(a)的影响显著。上述结果可为定向培育外套膜颜色鲜艳的番红砗磲以及解析砗磲环境适应机制提供参考。
关键词:  番红砗磲  光照强度  外套膜颜色  色差
Effect of light intensity on the change in mantle color of the boring giant clam Tridacna crocea
LIU Er-tian1, HE Yuan-yuan1, GU Zhi-feng1, SHI Yao-hua1, WANG Ai-min1,2, LIU Chun-sheng1
1.Ocean College, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Marine Resource Utilization in South China Sea, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China
The boring giant clam Tridacna crocea (T. crocea) is one of the most colorful giant clam species. In this study, T. crocea with three different mantle colors (blue, brown-yellow, and green) were cultured at three light intensity levels (5 000 lx, 10 000 lx, and 15 000 lx) to evaluate the relation between the change in mantle color and light intensity. Results show that (1) the mantle color of the blue group darkened under three light intensity levels, the mantle color of the brown-yellow group did not change, and the color of the green group lightened. (2) The color change of the blue T. crocea was the greatest after two weeks of light stimulation (ΔE=13.81-21.59), whereas the highest ΔE values for the brown-yellow and green groups could be observed between the fourth and sixth weeks of stimulation. (3) The original mantle color of T. crocea considerably affected the red-green characteristic value (a) and the yellow-blue characteristic value (b) (P<0.05) of the obtained mantle color. The yellow-blue characteristic value (b) was considerably promoted with the increasing light intensity (P<0.05), whereas the red-green characteristic value (a) of the mantle color was considerably affected by the interaction between the light intensity and the original mantle color. The results of this study can serve as a reference for culturing T. crocea with a bright mantle color and will also facilitate analyses of the environmental adaptation of T. crocea.
Key words:  Tridacna crocea  Light intensity  Mantle color  Correlation
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