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刘润, 李青欣, 李成凤, 郝心童
天津大学 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室, 天津 300072
关键词:  海底管道  水平向整体屈曲  数值模拟  枕木-浮力耦合法
Study on sleeper-buoyancy coupling method for global buckling of submarine pipelines
LIU Run, LI Qing-xin, LI Cheng-feng, HAO Xin-tong
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Unburied subsea pipelines operating under high temperatures and high pressures are likely to exhibit lateral global buckling. In actual engineering applications, a global buckling trigger device is often installed on the pipeline route to achieve an effective control of the lateral buckling. In line with this, the sleeper method is the most common application. This study analyzes the main influencing factors of the sleeper method and verifies the occurrence of the stress concentration phenomenon of the pipe buckling section when the sleeper method is used. The effects of the sleeper method, distributed buoyancy method, and sleeper-buoyancy coupling method on global buckling are compared, and a numerical simulation method is used to systematically examine the effects of sleeper and buoyancy parameters on the lateral buckling and post-buckling of pipelines. Our results show that artificial trigger devices with buoyancy sections on both sides of the sleeper can trigger the global buckling of the pipeline and promote the release of axial force between the virtual anchor points of the pipeline, reducing the stress in the buckling section of the pipeline. Compared with the sleeper method, the sleeper-buoyancy coupling method can reduce the maximum stress in the pipeline by 23%.
Key words:  submarine pipeline  lateral global buckling  finite element analysis (FEA)  sleeper-buoyancy coupling method
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