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胡罗煜1, 翟方国1, 刘子洲1, 李培良2, 顾艳镇1, 孙利元3, 李欣1, 陈栋2, 姜庆岩2
1.中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院, 山东 青岛 266100;2.浙江大学 海洋学院, 浙江 舟山 316021;3.山东省水生生物资源养护管理中心, 山东 烟台 264003
为丰富山东半岛近岸海洋牧场海域水动力环境研究,本文利用2019年12月3日至2020年1月1日在山东半岛东北部4个海洋牧场获取的海流资料,应用功率谱分析、调和分析、余流主轴分析和相关分析,探讨冬季各海洋牧场的潮流、余流特征及其影响机制。结果表明:(1)各海洋牧场潮流由M2分潮潮流主导,受地形边界限制,各主要分潮潮流均为往复流,且潮流椭圆主轴平行岸线。(2)不同海洋牧场呈现不同的余流特征和影响机制。烟台安源海洋牧场余流大致垂直于岸线流向近岸,平均流速约为0.9~1.7 cm/s;日平均流以经向流为主,与经向风呈显著正相关,海水受北风强迫在近岸堆积。威海瑜泰海洋牧场余流大致垂直于岸线流向外海,平均流速约为1.4~1.7 cm/s;日平均流亦以经向流为主,与经向风呈显著负相关,表层海水受北风强迫向近岸堆积,在近岸产生下降流,海面以下存在北向的离岸流。威海西港海洋牧场余流为东南向,平均流速约为2.5~3.0 cm/s,日平均流具有较为显著的正压性。荣成楮岛海洋牧场余流为东北向,平均流流速约为5.6~9.9 cm/s,日平均流表明海水沿桑沟湾南岸流出海湾,推测桑沟湾海水在湾内逆时针流动。研究成果利于进一步研究山东半岛邻近海域动力环境的多尺度时空变化特征及其影响机制。
关键词:  海洋牧场  潮流  余流  山东沿岸
Spatial and temporal characteristics of sea current within the marine ranches in the northeast of Shandong Peninsula
HU Luo-yu1, ZHAI Fang-guo1, LIU Zi-zhou1, LI Pei-liang2, GU Yan-zhen1, SUN Li-yuan3, LI Xin1, CHEN Dong2, JIANG Qing-yan2
1.College of Ocean and Atmosphere Science, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China;2.Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan 316021, China;3.Shandong Hydrobios Resources Conservation and Management Center, Yantai 264003, China
To enrich the study of the hydrodynamic environment around the near-shore area of the Shandong Peninsula in winter, the structure of currents, such as the tidal and residual components, is investigated based on current observations within four marine ranches from December 3, 2019 to January 1, 2020, employing the methods of harmonic analysis, power spectra analysis, principal component analysis, and correlation analysis. Within four marine ranches, with the M2 constituent that was significant and reciprocating, the directions of the maximum velocity vector of the main tidal constituents were basically parallel to the shoreline. The characteristics and influence mechanisms of the residual current varied with the area of marine ranches. The average current within the Anyuan Marine Ranch was southeastward and shoreward, with a velocity range of 0.9-1.7 cm/s. The main component of the daily mean current was the meridional current, which had a significant positive correlation with the wind in the same direction. While the northerly wind was driving, the residual current accumulated towards the southwest bank of the Anyuan Marine Ranch synchronously. The average current within the Yutai Marine Ranch was northward and offshore, with a velocity of 1.4-1.7 cm/s. The main component of the daily mean current was the meridional current, which had a significant negative correlation with the meridional wind. The daily average current showed that the northerly wind forced the seawater to accumulate to the south bank of the Yutai Marine Ranch and produced downflow near the coast. In addition, the offshore current flowed northward below the sea surface. The average current within the Xigang Marine Ranch was southeastward, with a velocity of 2.5-3.0 cm/s. The daily average current was barotropic at both the surface and bottom layers. The average current within the Chudao Marine Ranch was northeast, with a velocity of 5.6-9.9 cm/s. The daily average current was also northeast along the south bank of Sanggou Bay, indicating that the seawater flowed counterclockwise in the bay. The research results provided a basis for the further study of multi-scale temporal and spatial characteristics and influence mechanism of the dynamic environment in the near-shore area of the Shandong Peninsula.
Key words:  marine ranch  tidal currents  residual currents  coastal area of Shandong Province
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