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王文龙1, 熊指南2
1.中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司, 广东 湛江 524057;2.天津市陆海测绘有限公司, 天津 300191
关键词:  声学探测技术  海底管线  完工后调查  状态评价
Application of acoustic detection technology in investigation after laying submarine oil pipelines
WANG Wen-long1, XIONG Zhi-nan2
1.Zhanjiang Branch of CNOOC (China) Co., Ltd., Zhanjiang, Zhanjiang 524057, China;2.Tianjin Surveying and Hydrography Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300191, China
Submarine oil pipelines may have various defects and abnormalities, such as damage, deformation, scouring, shift, and free spanning, because of the influence of physical, chemical, mechanical, and other factors during laying. To ensure safe operation, prevent pollution to the marine environment, and understand the actual situation of submarine pipelines, post-completion investigation of the laying status is required. Moreover, the corresponding maintenance measures need to be taken according to the investigation results. According to the post-investigation requirements of submarine pipelines and based on the working principle of acoustic detection technology, the advantages and limitations of four kinds of acoustic detection technology are analyzed and compared. Various detection methods should be used with submarine pipeline detection so that each method can "learn from each other's strengths," which can effectively improve detection efficiency. The effectiveness and practicability of the detection methods are verified through engineering projects. In this process, the analysis method of relevant data is also elucidated. The comprehensive analysis and mutual verification of data obtained using various acoustic detection equipment can effectively improve the accuracy of measurement data. Results show that the post-survey method using underwater acoustic detection equipment meets the requirements of high accuracy and efficiency at the same time and can effectively support the post-laying status evaluation of submarine pipelines.
Key words:  acoustic detection technology  submarine pipeline  post-completion investigation  status evaluation
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