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姚艳欣1,2,3,4, 陈楠生1,2,3
1.中国科学院海洋研究所 海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266071;2.青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室 海洋生态与环境科学功能实验室, 山东 青岛 266071;3.中国科学院海洋大科学研究中心, 山东 青岛 266071;4.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
珠江口是中国长江以南最大的河口,毗邻港珠澳地区,海域内营养盐含量丰富,浮游植物物种多样性高。伴随着珠江沿岸地区经济的飞速发展,珠江口海域富营养化问题日趋严重,导致赤潮灾害频发。许多研究学者已经对珠江口海域浮游植物,特别是赤潮物种进行了全面的调查研究。为了系统解读珠江口海域赤潮物种的组成和相对丰度的变化,本文利用公开发表的数据,对1985—2014年间珠江口海域的22个航次调查结果进行了比较分析。这些航次调查共鉴定和报道了428种浮游植物物种,包括硅藻270种、甲藻130种、绿藻门9种、蓝藻8种、定鞭藻5种、金藻4种、着色鞭毛藻1种和裸藻1种。这些浮游植物大多数还没有分子分析数据,只有不到三分之一(28.0%)物种的全长18S rDNA全长序列得到解析,表明分子标记的数据库还需完善。根据文献报道,这些浮游植物中有54种赤潮物种,包括中肋骨条藻、双胞旋沟藻、夜光藻、球形棕囊藻、米氏凯伦藻、洛氏角毛藻和铁氏束毛藻等物种。本综述对了解珠江口及其附近海域的有害藻华物种,以及解读珠江口及其附近海域宏基因组学及宏条形码分析结果提供了参考,可以促进比较研究不同海域浮游植物和赤潮物种的生物多样性。
关键词:  珠江口  生物多样性  航次调查  赤潮物种  浮游植物
Biodiversity of phytoplankton and red tide species in the Pearl River Estuary
YAO Yan-xin1,2,3,4, CHEN Nan-sheng1,2,3
1.CAS Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental science, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;2.Laboratory for Marine Geology and Environment, Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(Qingdao), Qingdao 266071, China;3.Center for Ocean Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;4.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
The Pearl River estuary is the largest estuary that is located to the south of the Yangtze River in China. It has rich nutrients and a high diversity of phytoplankton species. The rapid development of local economy has negatively impacted the function of marine ecosystem and caused huge economic losses. It has led to a more frequent occurrence of red tides, which has caused eutrophication to become a serious challenge. Many researchers have investigated phytoplankton species and harmful algal bloom (HAB) species. To systematically track the composition of phytoplankton community in the Pearl River estuary, especially the change of HAB species, based on meta-barcoding analysis, the objective of this review is to examine the composition and relative abundance of phytoplankton species identified in 22 reported expeditions (1985-2014) in the Pearl River estuary. Of the 428 phytoplankton species described in these expeditions, diatoms (270 species) and dinoflagellates (130 species) were dominant, and 9 species in Chlorophyta, 8 species in Cyanophyta, 5 species in Coccolithophore, 4 species in Chrysophyta, 1 species in Cryptophyceae, and 1 species in Euglenophyta. Among them, less than one-third (28.0%) species have the full-length 18S rDNA sequence, indicating that the molecular marker database needs to be further improved for promoting the effective application of metabarcoding analysis. Among these phytoplankton species, 54 harmful algal HAB species were identified. This paper analyzed the diversity and abundance of species in this area, and described in detail HAB species such as Skeletonema costatum, Cochlodinium geminatum, Noctiluca scintillans, Phaeocystis globose, Karenia mikimotoi, Chaetoceros lorenzianus, and Trichodesmium thiebautii. This review provides a reference for studying the biodiversity of phytoplankton and HAB species in the Pearl River estuary and other ocean regions. It also facilitates the interpretation of metagenomics and macrobarcoding results.
Key words:  Pearl River Estuary  biodiversity  expedition  HAB species  phytoplankton
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