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王文涛1, 王金平2, 揭晓蒙1, 王莹莹3
1.中国21世纪议程管理中心, 北京 100038;2.中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院, 甘肃 兰州 730000;3.中国石油大学(北京), 北京 102249
历经53年的发展,国际大洋钻探计划从DSDP(Deep-sea Drilling Program)到IODP(International Ocean Discovery Program),在机构设置、运行机制、管理模式等方面积累了丰富的经验,并得到世界各国的认可。长期以来,通过参与并成为该计划的正式成员国,我国在科学研究、人才培养、国际合作等各方面取得了快速的发展,逐步成为国际大洋钻探领域的重要一员。随着新一轮钻探计划到期,受新冠肺炎疫情和经济不景气等因素的影响,国际大洋钻探计划面临经费支持不足、钻探平台到期、新计划运行意见不统一等系列问题,而这对提高我国在该领域的国际影响力和话语权是一个重要的机遇。为此,建议我国应该进一步理顺大洋钻探运行机制,组建及实施新的运行管理机构及模式,加大科技、人才、国际合作等方面的投入力度,充分调动国内外科学家以及政府和民间的积极性,推动我国引领的国际大洋钻探事业发展,为全球海洋发展和生态文明建设贡献中国力量。
关键词:  大洋钻探  深海装备  运行机制  管理模式  国际大科学计划
Thoughts on the management and operation mechanism of international ocean drilling plan led by China after 2024
WANG Wen-tao1, WANG Jin-ping2, JIE Xiao-meng1, WANG Ying-ying3
1.The Administrative Center for China's Agenda 21, Beijing 100038, China;2.Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China;3.China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China
After more than 50 years of development, the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) has accumulated rich experience in organizational structure, operational mechanism and management model, gaining recognition from countries across the world. In recent years, with its involvement in IODP, China has achieved rapid development in scientific research, personnel training and international cooperation. It has grown into an important player in the field of international ocean discovery. As the new round of IODP under expiring, constrained by such factors as the outbreak of COVID-19 and sluggish economy, IODP is now faced with multiple problems, including insufficient funding support, expiration of drilling platforms and disagreements on the new operational plan. However, this also presents an important opportunity for China to increase its international influence and the right to speak in this field. For this end, China should further examine the operational mechanism of IODP, develop new operational and management models, increase the investment in science and technology, talents and international cooperation and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of domestic and foreign scientists as well as governmental and non-official institutions., so as to promote the development of the IODP led by China, and contribute to the development of the global ocean and the construction of ecological civilization.
Key words:  ocean drilling  deep-sea equipment  operation mechanism  management mode  international grand science programme
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