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引用本文:孔晓,王英俊,吴莹莹,刘童,宋爱环,唐学玺,刘洪军.基于耳石形态的大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)群体判别研究[J].海洋科学,2022,46(4):34-43.
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基于耳石形态的大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)群体判别研究
孔晓1, 王英俊2,3, 吴莹莹2,3, 刘童2,3, 宋爱环2,3, 唐学玺1, 刘洪军2,3,4
1.中国海洋大学海洋生命学院, 山东 青岛 266003;2.山东省海洋科学研究院, 山东 青岛 266104;3.青岛市海洋生物种质资源发掘与利用工程实验室, 山东 青岛 266104;4.青岛市水产生物品质评价与利用工程研究中心, 山东 青岛 266104
为探究邻近海域大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)群体间的判别问题,共采集中国黄、渤海近岸海域7个野生群体(连云港、青岛、威海、烟台、秦皇岛、大连、丹东)和1个养殖群体(威海)的大泷六线鱼共183尾,利用传统形态测量法和傅里叶分析对不同群体耳石形态进行多元统计分析。典型判别分析结果显示,传统形态测量法选择8个参数值用于判别分析,傅里叶分析法选择12个系数(elliptic Fourier descriptors,EFDs)用于判别分析,综合判别成功率为79.2%。聚类分析显示,威海养殖群体在最外层,与野生群体距离较远,与判别散点图结果一致。丹东、青岛野生群体自成一支,与其他群体距离较远,可被认定为独立的生态群体,推测环境因素是导致不同群体间耳石差异的主要原因。
关键词:  耳石形态  大泷六线鱼  群体判别  傅里叶分析
Stock discriminations of Hexagrammos otakii based on otolith morphology
KONG Xiao,WANG Ying-jun,WU Ying-ying,LIU Tong,SONG Ai-huan,TANG Xue-xi,LIU Hong-jun
1.Marine Science Research Institute of Shandong Province, Qingdao 266104, China;2.Engineering Laboratory for Exploration and Utilization of Marine Germplasm Resources of Qingdao, Qingdao 266104, China;3.Municipal Engineering Research Center of Aquatic Biological Quality Evaluation and Application, Qingdao 266104, China
In order to identify Hexagrammos otakii stocks in adjacent waters,a total of 183 Hexagrammos otakii individuals are investigated from 7 wild populations (Lianyungang,Qingdao,Weihai,Yantai,Qinhuangdao,Dalian,Dandong) and 1 reared population (Weihai) in the coastal waters of the Yellow and Bohai Seas of China,multivariate statistical analysis of otolith morphology in different groups using traditional morphometry and Fourier analysis.Canonical discriminant analysis results show that 8 variables of traditional measurement entered in the CDA,9 harmonics EFDs entered in CDA with Fourier analysis,and the total correct classification is 79.2%.Phylogenetic analysis shows that the Weihai cultured population cluster in the outermost layer,and has the greatest difference with the wild populations,consistent with the discriminant scatter plot results.The Qingdao and Dandong wild populations are self-contained,distance from other groups and can be regarded as independent ecological communities.It is speculated that environmental factors are the main reasons for the differences in otolith among different populations.
Key words:  otolith morphology  Hexagrammos otakii  stock discrimination  Fourier analysis
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