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莫钰1, 蓝彩碧2, 许铭本2, 赖俊翔2, 凌慧娇3
1.广西民族大学 海洋生物资源保护与利用重点实验室, 广西 南宁 530008;2.广西科学院 广西北部湾海洋研究中心 广西近海海洋环境重点实验室, 广西 南宁 530007;3.广西壮族自治区环境保护科学研究院, 广西 南宁 530022
球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)是我国北部湾海域主要的有害藻华原因种, 囊体的生长是藻华发生和持续的关键。为了研究在富营养化日趋严重的钦州湾海域中营养盐输入对球形棕囊藻藻华形成的影响, 采集钦州湾含球形棕囊藻的表层海水进行了添加不同营养盐的室内培养实验。根据钦州湾历史调查数据, 进行了不同营养盐、不同氮磷比和不同添加方式的培养。结果表明, 同时添加氮和磷显著促进浮游植物的生长, 球形棕囊藻囊体继浮游植物细胞密度高峰期后大量形成。一次性添加磷对囊体生长的刺激作用较添加氮时强, 丰度最高可达4.8×103 colonies·L–1, 囊体平均直径为(115±84) μm, 且具有较高囊体细胞密度, 但囊体衰退较快。单独添加氮时, 囊体细胞分布稀疏, 囊体数量及直径皆较低。每天添加磷的方式相比一次性添加更有利于囊体丰度的维持。总体上, 磷营养的添加能刺激囊体数量、囊体细胞数和囊体直径的生长。在具有较高N/P比值的钦州湾, 应加强磷的排放管理, 避免突发性磷污染对球形棕囊藻囊体生长的刺激作用。
关键词:  球形棕囊藻  囊体形成  营养盐加富  钦州湾  有害藻华
基金项目:广西自然科学基金(2017GXNSFBA198127); 广西科技重大专项(桂科AA17202020); 广西高校中青年教师基础能力提升项目(2017KY0166); 广西民族大学校级项目(2018MDYB008)
Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on Phaeocystis globosa colony growth in Qinzhou Bay
MO Yu1, LAN Cai-bi2, XU Ming-ben2, LAI Jun-xiang2, LING Hui-jiao3
1.Key Laboratory of Protection and Utilization of Marine Resources, Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning 530008, China;2.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Guangxi Beibu Gulf Marine Research Center, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning 530007, China;3.Guangxi Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Nanning 530022, China
Phaeocystis globosa frequently causes extensive harmful algal blooms in the Beibu Gulf of China. The growth of the colony is critical in P. globosa bloom occurrence and duration. For this experiment, surface seawater of Qinzhou Bay containing P. globosa was used to study the influence of nutrient input on the P. globosa bloom. The culture was conducted in separate treatments with various nutrients, nitrate (N)/phosphate (P) ratios, and different added methods treatments. Results showed that the growth of phytoplankton was enhanced after N and P addition. Numerous colonies emerged following the phytoplankton bloom. The stimulation effect on colony numbers was stronger in P addition than in N addition. Colony numbers reached a maximum of 4.8×103 colonies·L?1, with an average diameter of 115±84 μm in P addition. P addition groups had a relatively high cells-per-unit colony surface area but with a rapid decay in colonies. Colony cells were distributed sparsely in N addition treatments, with small colony numbers and diameter. The daily P addition method maintained colony growth longer than the one-time addition method. Overall, P stimulated the growth of colony numbers, cells, and diameter. Therefore, discharge management should be enforced in Qinzhou Bay to prevent colony bloom under sudden P pollution.
Key words:  Phaeocystis globosa  colony formation  nutrient enrichment  Qinzhou Bay  harmful algae bloom
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