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李叶1,2, 杜以帅1,3, 徐建平1,2, 邱天龙1,3, 周利1,3, 孙建明1,3
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所 实验海洋生物学重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266071;2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049;3.中国科学院 海洋大科学研究中心, 山东 青岛 266071
本实验基于一种新型的具有自洁功能的固定床生物滤器, 研究了不同的清洗频率: 0.5次/d (S1)、1次/d(S2)和2次/d(S3)对生物滤器的硝化性能、截污能力和硝酸盐氮积累的影响。研究表明: 清洗频率对生物滤器去除氨氮(NH4+-N)没有显著影响(P > 0.05); 在第6~9 d对生物滤器内亚硝酸盐氮(NO2-N)的浓度有显著影响(P < 0.05), 第11 d后均无显著影响(P > 0.05); 在整个实验过程中, S3处理组与S1、S2处理组相比总固体悬浮物(TSS)去除分别提高53.52%和19.01%, 化学需氧量(CODMn)去除分别提高57.94%和27.01%, 差异性显著(P < 0.05); 在硝酸盐氮(NO3-N)积累方面, S3处理组积累最少, 在整个实验过程期间与S1、S2处理组相比分别降低16.04%和23.01%, 差异性显著(P < 0.05)。总体来说, 高清洗频率对生物滤器的硝化性能无显著影响, 但能使生物滤器截留的TSS快速排出系统, 从而减少系统内的水处理负荷和硝酸盐氮积累, 有利于系统的长期稳定运行。
关键词:  自洁生物滤器  清洗频率  硝化性能  截污能力
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFD0900502); 广西科技重大专项(桂科AA17204094-3)
Effect of cleaning frequency on water treatment performance of fixed bed biofilter
LI Ye1,2, DU Yi-shuai1,3, XU Jian-ping1,2, QIU Tian-long1,3, ZHOU Li1,3, SUN Jian-ming1,3
1.Key Laboratory of Experimental Marine Biology, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;3.Center for Ocean Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China
The experiment is based on a new type of fixed bed biofilter with a auto-cleaning function. Different cleaning frequencies were studied, such as 0.5 times/d (S1), 1 time/d (S2), and 2 times/d (S3) for biological filters, and the influence of nitrification performance, pollution interception capacity, and nitrate nitrogen accumulation. Studies have shown that the cleaning frequency has no significant effect on the removal of ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) from the biofilter (P > 0.05); it has a significant effect on the concentration of nitrite nitrogen (NO2-N) in the biofilter from days 6 to 9 (P < 0.05), but there was no significant effect after the 11th day (P > 0.05). During the entire experiment, the total solid suspended solids (TSS) removal in the S3 treatment group was increased by 53.52% and 19.01% compared with the S1 and S2 treatment groups, respectively; chemical oxygen demand (CODMn) removal increased by 57.94% and 27.01%, respectively, which had a significant difference (P < 0.05); the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) in the S3 treatment group was the least, which was 16.04% and 23.01% lower than that in S1 and S2 treatment groups during the whole experiment, respectively, and the difference was significant (P < 0.05). High cleaning frequency has no significant effect on nitrification performance of the biofilters; however, it may reduce the water treatment load and NO3-N accumulation in the system by rapidly removing the TSS retained by biofilters; it is beneficial to the long-term stable operation of the system.
Key words:  auto-cleaning biological filter  cleaning frequency  nitrification performance  pollution interception capacity
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