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贾久满, 粟双婷, 黄慧灵, 黄鸿期, 唐冬, 周琦, 余柳俊, 陈金文, 贾玉珍, 韦莉念, 廖永岩
广西北部湾海洋生物多样性养护重点实验室 北部湾大学海洋学院, 广西 钦州 535011
为了研究中国鲎血液质量的监测方法, 实验选择9只中国鲎检测其血液中铜含量、血细胞数量、血浆蛋白含量、血淋巴蛋白含量等指标, 并进行相关性分析。结果表明, 中国鲎血液中铜含量与血细胞数相关性r=0.917, 与血浆蛋白含量相关性r=0.995, 与血淋巴蛋白含量相关性r=0.983, 均呈现极显著相关性。中国鲎血液中铜含量与血细胞数的相关关系为Y1=6.14+0.86X(R2=0.840), 与血浆蛋白含量的相关关系为Y2=2.08+0.78X(R2=0.989), 与血淋巴蛋白含量的相关关系为Y3=1.87+0.62X(R2=0.966)。中国鲎血液中铜含量不但能够直接反映血蓝蛋白的含量, 而且可以反映血细胞数、血浆蛋白含量、血淋巴蛋白含量。因此, 以中国鲎血液中铜含量作为监测血液质量的指标, 可以推动中国鲎可持续采血技术的发展与完善, 对中国鲎的利用与保护具有重要意义。
关键词:  中国鲎  血液质量  监测方法  铜含量
基金项目:北部湾大学海洋科学广西一流学科(DRC001); 广西北部湾海洋生物多样性养护重点实验室(北部湾大学)自主课题(2022ZB02)
Blood quality indexes in Tachypleus tridentatus for the production of Tachypleus amebocyte lysate
JIA Jiu-man, SU Shuang-ting, HUANG Hui-ling, HUANG Hong-qi, TANG Dong, ZHOU Qi, YU Liu-jun, CHEN Jin-wen, JIA Yu-zhen, WEI Li-nian, LIAO Yong-yan
Guangxi Key Laboratory of Beibu Gulf Marine Biodiversity Conservation, College of Marine Sciences, Beibu Gulf University, Qinzhou 535011, China
To study the different blood quality indexes in Tachypleus tridentatus and their relationships with each other, nine animals were selected. Their blood was assayed for its copper content, cell count, plasma protein content, and lymphatic protein content, and a correlation analysis was performed. Copper content was found to be correlated with cell count (r=0.917), plasma protein content (r=0.995), and lymphatic protein content (r=0.983). The relationship of copper content with these three parameters was established to be Y1=6.14+0.86X (R2=0.840), Y2=2.08+ 0.78X (R2=0.989), and Y3=1.87+0.62X (R2=0.966), respectively. The blood copper content not only directly reflects the hemocyanin content but also the cell count, plasma protein content, and lymphatic protein content. Therefore, blood copper content can be used as an index to monitor blood quality in T. tridentatus. The implications of our study can promote the development and perfection of sustainable blood collection methods for T. tridentatus, which can help protect these animals.
Key words:  Tachypleus tridentatus  blood quality  monitoring method  copper content
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