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周欣, 刘文博, 王凤军, 郑家恒, 孙杨, 赵国兴, 吴永亭
自然资源部第一海洋研究所, 山东 青岛 266061
本文介绍科考型有缆遥控潜水器(ROV)国内外现状, 总结概括科考型ROV系统组成。以关键指标选型法为4 500 t级海洋综合科学考察船选定工作水深不小于6 000 m、液压驱动、系统功率不小于150马力、单缆吊放、中部作业甲板安装、侧舷布放回收、集成科考设备系统的第Ⅲ类B级加强型的工作级科考型ROV, 形成适用于4 500 t级海洋综合科学考察船科考型ROV选型方案, 为国内海洋综合科学考察船运行单位选配潜水器提供经验和技术参考。
关键词:  科考型ROV  海洋综合科学考察船  工作水深  液压驱动
Selection method of remotely operated vehicles for marine scientific research
ZHOU Xin, LIU Wen-bo, WANG Feng-jun, ZHENG Jia-heng, SUN Yang, ZHAO Guo-xing, WU Yong-ting
First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Qingdao 266061, China
This study describes the current state of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) for marine scientific research worldwide and summarizes the composition of the ROV system. The key index selection method is developed to configure the class III type B enhanced working-level scientific research ROV for a 4 500 ton marine comprehensive scientific research ship; the ROV requires a working depth of more than 6 000 m, hydraulic drive with no less than 150 horsepower, single cable lifting, central operation deck installation, sideboard deployment-recovery, and an integrated scientific research equipment system. The scientific research ROV selection scheme established for this scientific research ship provides experience and technical reference for China’s marine comprehensive scientific research ship operators to select ROVs.
Key words:  scientific investigation ROV  marine comprehensive scientific research ship  operating depth  hydraulic driving
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