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大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)幼鱼视网膜结构及光谱适应特征研究
刘 峰1, 吴乐乐2, 王雨浓1, 齐婷2, 徐世宏1, 李 军1, 李 贤2
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所 中国科学院实验海洋生物学重点实验室;2.中国海洋大学 水产学院
大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)是我国重要的经济养殖鱼类之一,在经历变态发育之后其生活环境尤其是光环境会发生改变,目前对其视觉是如何适应这种光环境的变化仍未可知。本研究以不同发育阶段的大菱鲆幼鱼为研究对象,探究了视网膜结构的变化以及视蛋白基因的表达特征与大菱鲆光谱适应之间的关系。结果表明随着大菱鲆的生长发育,其视网膜的外核层逐渐变厚。视紫红质(RH1, Rhodopsin)与总视蛋白的比例上升,由二月龄的57.35%上升到九月龄77.19%;视锥蛋白(Cone Opsin)与总视蛋白的比例下降;其中红视蛋白LWS的下降最快2月龄时表达比例约占4.49%到了9月龄时仅占总量的0.13%。当用不同光谱处理七月龄的大菱鲆幼鱼75天后,发现其视蛋白的表达比例会随光谱环境的变化而发生改变。红光处理下RH1的表达比例为74.1%显著高于其它光谱,绿视蛋白家族RH2的表达比例为18.71%显著低于其它光谱;蓝光处理下RH1的表达比例为19.77%显著低于其它光谱,蓝视蛋白SWS2和RH2家族的表达比例分别为2.1%,72.87%都显著高于其它光谱。大菱鲆幼鱼在不同的阶段以及不同的光谱处理下表现出了视蛋白表达比例的可塑性用来适应不同水层的光谱环境。本研究为探究大菱鲆对光环境的适应变化机制提供了理论基础,并对大菱鲆工厂化养殖的光照条件设置具有参考意义。
关键词:  大菱鲆  视网膜结构  视蛋白  光谱适应性
The research on structure of retina and spectrum adaptation of juvenile turbot
Liu Feng1, WU Le Le2, Wang Yu Nong1, Qi Ting2, Xu Shi Hong1, Li Jun1, Li Xian2
1.CAS Key Laboratory of Experimental Marine Biology,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.Fisheries College,Ocean University of China
Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is one of the most important economically cultured fish in our country, its living environment, especially the light environment changed dramatically after metamorphosis of turbot. How its vision adaptive to this change in light is still unknown.In this study, we used juvenile turbot at different developmental stages, researched on the relationship between the structural changes of retina, the expression pattern of opsin genes and the adaption to spectrum of turbot. The result of our study showed that the outer nuclear layer of retina thickens within the growth and development of turbot. The ratio of the expression of rosin RH1 / total opsin was gradually increased, from 57.35% in two-month-old to 77.19% in nine-month-old. Besides, the ratio of the expression of cone opsin / total opsin proteins decreases, especially in LWS, for 4.49% and 0.13% in two-month-old and nine-month-old, respectively. Moreover, after treated with different spectrum, we found that the expression of cone opsin genes in turbot changed upon the variation of spectral environment. The ratio of expression of RH1 and RH2 family gradually increased and decreased, respectively, under red light treatment. While after blue light treating, the ratio of expression of RH1 decreased, and SWS2, RH2 family increased in the meantime. Turbot may adapt to the spectral environment of different water layers by regulating the structure of retina and the expression of opsin. This study provides a theoretical basis for exploring the mechanism of turbot adapting to their life in variably light environment, and has reference significance for the setting of light conditions in the industrial culture of turbot.
Key words:  Scophthalmus  maximus,retina,opsin,spectrum  adaptation
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