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刘威1, 张星烁1, 徐海根1, 杨波2, 曹铭昌1, 熊天石3, 韩永祥4, 袁屏5, 伊剑锋1, 周大庆1
1.生态环境部南京环境科学研究所, 江苏 南京 210042;2.国家海洋局 南通海洋环境监测中心站, 江苏 南通 226002;3.江苏省野生动植物保护站, 江苏 南京 210036;4.连云港墟沟小学, 江苏 连云港 222042;5.南京图书馆, 江苏 南京 210018
江苏近海海域是具有数十年历史的鸟类学研究地区, 对于海洋性鸟类繁殖、保护以及江苏省鸟类名录的修订具有重要地位。本研究首次系统调查、整理了近40年间江苏近海海域鸟类多样性, 分析了鸟类多样性的群落结构及与风电、养殖的关系特征。通过对连云港、盐城和南通近海海域以及少数离岸岛屿4个季度的野外调查, 共计发现鸟类69种2 393只, 隶属于11目27科。其中, 雀形目和鸻形目是近海海域鸟类的重要组成类群, 鹱形目、鲣鸟目和潜鸟目在江苏近海海域稳定存在。本研究将江苏近海海域记录鸟类丰富至182种。2020年调查发现的鸟类物种占总记录鸟种数的37.91%, 首次记录到的鸟种有27种。Pearson相关性检验显示风电建设与鸟类多样性在距离尺度上呈现显著的正相关关系, 筏式养殖与鸟类多样性在距离尺度上呈现显著的负相关关系。表明江苏近海海域鸟类对风电场具有明显的规避倾向, 而对筏式养殖区域具有明显的依赖倾向。针对当前江苏近海海域生物多样性保护水平较低、人为干扰严峻的背景下, 本文研提了基于生物多样性保护的政策建议, 为近海海域空间优化和保护地体系制定提供参考。
关键词:  江苏  近海  鸟类多样性  保护建议  物种编目
Bird diversity in Jiangsu offshore waters: its analysis and relationship with wind farms and mariculture
LIU Wei1, ZHANG Xing-shuo1, XU Hai-gen1, YANG Bo2, CAO Ming-chang1, XIONG Tian-shi3, HAN Yong-xiang4, YUAN Ping5, YI Jian-feng1, ZHOU Da-qing1
1.Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Nanjing 210042, China;2.Nantong Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Nantong 226002, China;3.Jiangsu Wildlife Conservation Department, Nanjing 210036, China;4.Xugou Primary School in Lianyungang, Lianyungang 222042, China;5.Nanjing Library, Nanjing 210018, China
Jiangsu offshore waters play a vital role in the breeding and protection of marine birds under long-term studies. Bird monitoring in Jiangsu offshore waters facilitated the revision of the bird catalog in Jiangsu Province. In this study, we systematically investigated bird diversity over the past 40 years in Jiangsu offshore waters and analyzed its relationship with wind farms and mariculture. Bird diversity was surveyed in the offshore waters of Lianyungang, Yancheng, and Nantong, including a few offshore islands, such as Cheniushan Island and Kaishan Island. A total of 2 393 individuals belonging to 69 species, 11 orders, and 27 families were found. In Jiangsu offshore waters, the number of bird species was enriched to 182, and the number of bird species recorded in 2020 accounted for 37.91% of the total recorded species. Twenty-seven bird species were recorded for the first time in Jiangsu offshore waters. Passeriformes and Charadriiformes were the dominant groups of birds in Jiangsu offshore waters, and the populations of Procellariiformes, Suliformes, and Gaviiformes were stable. Bird diversity was significantly positively correlated with the distance to wind farms and significantly negatively correlated with the distance to mariculture. These results demonstrated that birds in Jiangsu offshore waters had an obvious tendency to avoid wind farms and rely on raft farming areas. Given the low level of biodiversity protection and severe human disturbance, we proposed policy suggestions to optimize the marine space and formulate a specific biodiversity protection strategy in offshore waters.
Key words:  Jiangsu Province  offshore  bird diversity  protection suggestions  species cataloging
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