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刘家欣, 冯佳俊, 田清, 张渊智
南京信息工程大学海洋科学学院, 江苏 南京 210044
为验证一个东海潮汐数值模式结果的精度并了解我国东海区域的潮汐特征。该文使用T_TIDE对东海大桥南和洋山站的潮汐资料进行调和分析, 并针对所研究区域最主要的8个分潮: M2、S2、K1、O1、N2、K2、P1、Q1分别对比两站实测数据与模式结果的调和分析结果。结果表明: 两站点的模式结果和观测海表高度的均方误差D与潮汐产生的海表高度变化V的比值为25.99%和25.29%, 模式结果计算所绘制的M2和K1分潮的同潮图与前人研究结果在无潮点的位置、同潮时线、等振幅线的分布和趋势上相似。这说明了使用时间长度相同但年份不同的实测数据验证潮汐数值模式结果的可行性, 并能够帮助了解我国东海区域的潮汐特征。
关键词:  东海  潮汐  潮汐调和分析  T_TIDE  同潮图  海表面高度
Verification of a tidal model for the East China Sea
LIU Jia-xin, FENG Jia-jun, TIAN Qing, ZHANG Yuan-Zhi
School of Marine Sciences, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
In this paper, measured data from the Donghai Daqiao and Yangshan Stations are used to verify the accuracy of a tidal model. First, the process for performing a tide harmonic analysis of these stations is verified using the T_TIDE package. Second, the eight major subtides in the study area, including M2, S2, K1, O1, N2, K2, P1, and Q1, are compared to the harmonic analysis results of the measured data and model results of the two stations. The ratio of the mean square error D of the model results and sea surface height observation of the two stations to the tidal sea surface height change V is found to be 25.99% and 25.29%, respectively. Finally, the cotidal maps for the M2 and K1 subtides calculated using the model results are compared with those reported by Fang (1986). Furthermore, the cotidal maps drawn utilizing the model are characteristically similar to those reported in previous studies, and uncertain factors possibly leading to the low accuracy of the developed numerical model are analyzed. The accuracy of the East China Sea tidal model needs to be improved for amplitude simulation. This improvement would benefit further understanding of tidal currents in the East China Sea.
Key words:  East China Sea  tide  harmonic analysis
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