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乔真, 李佳霖, 秦松
【目的】探究细菌群体感应C6-HSL信号和群体淬灭对海洋聚球藻生长的影响作用,以及培养体系中藻菌互作关系的响应特征。【方法】以采集自南黄海中部表层海水的聚球藻(Synechococcus)富集样品进行培养实验,使用流式细胞术、高通量测序检测培养体系的细胞丰度、群落组成;构建共现性网络,明确C6-HSL对培养体系中微生物的相互作用程度的影响。【结果】C6-HSL信号可以促进聚球藻生长,7d培养周期结束时实验组中聚球藻丰度约为对照组的1.83倍,而对细菌生长无明显促进作用;C6-HSL信号改变了培养体系中的细菌群落组成,其中α-变形菌中Rhodobacteraceae和Thalassospira属的占比升高,而γ-变形菌中Marinobacter属的占比下降,构建的共现性网络显示体系中微生物互作程度和网络紧密度均降低。分离聚球藻共栖细菌,筛选获得具有C6-HSL群体淬灭活性的6株菌,分别属于变形菌门(Proteobacteria, 5株)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes, 1株),可以通过胞内途径实现群体淬灭;群体淬灭活性菌能够促进聚球藻生长,且群体淬灭活性强的菌株促生作用更强。【结论】本研究论证了群体感应C6-HSL信号和细菌的群体淬灭能力对聚球藻和共栖细菌的互作关系有调控作用,为后续深入探索基于群体感应信号分子作用的藻菌互作关系的研究提供了新的科学依据。
关键词:  海洋聚球藻  群体感应抑制活性  藻菌相互作用  C6-HSL  CV026
Regulatory effects of the C6-HSL signal molecule and quorum quenching on marine Synechococcus in bacteria-algal system
qiaozhen, lijialin, qinsong
Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[Objective] To explore the effects of C6-HSL signal and quorum quenching on the growth of marine Synechococcus and the interactions between Synechococcus and bacteria [Methods] Enriched culture samples of Synechococcus were collected from surface waters of central South Yellow Sea. Flow cytometry and high-throughput sequencing were used to investigate cell abundance and microbial community composition. Additionally, microbial co-occurrence networks were constructed to assess the influence of C6-HSL on the degree of microbial interactions in the culture system. [Results] The growth of Synechococcus was significantly enhanced by C6-HSL, with its abundance in the experimental group approximately 1.83 times higher than that in the control group after a 7-day cultivation period. However, no significant effect on of heterotrophic bacteria growth was observed. C6-HSL signals altered the composition of bacterial communities within the culture system, leading to the increase in theproportion of Rhodobacteraceae and Thalassospira in Alpha-proteobacteria, while decreasing the proportion of Marinobacter in Gamma-proteobacteria. Addition of C6-HSL resulted in a reduction in microbial interactions and network tightness. Six strains exhibiting C6-HSL quenching activity were isolated from Synechococcus culture, idendified as Proteobacteria (5 strains) and Firmicutes (1 strain), respectively. All these strains achieved quorum quenching through intracellular pathway. The bacteria displaying quorum quenching activity promoted Synechococcus growth, with stronger effects observed for those with higher quorum quenching activity. [Conclusion] The present study elucidated the regulatory effects of quorum sensing C6-HSL signal and bacterial quorum quenching ability on the interaction between Synechococcus and symbiotic bacteria, providing a scientific basis for furtherinvestigation into algal-bacterial interactions based on quorum sensing signal molecules.
Key words:  marine Synechococcus, quorum sensing inhibitory activity, algae-bacteria interactions, C6-HSL, Chromobacterium violaceum 026 (CV026)
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