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缪智昕1, 袁赟1, 赵黔涛2, 连之伟2
1.上海勘测设计研究院有限公司, 上海 200124;2.上海交通大学设计学院, 上海 200240
海上的高盐雾浓度会对建筑和设备产生腐蚀和损害。为了明确海上风电平台通风设计中除盐雾的相关参数取值, 本文在四大海域选择了11个典型地区进行了夏季和冬季的实地盐雾测试, 并对8种等级的盐雾过滤器进行了实际除盐雾计重效率的测试。研究表明, 盐雾浓度存在一定的海域差异, 在夏季, 南海、黄海、渤海和东海的盐雾氯离子质量浓度分别为0.76、0.45、0.25和0.14 mg/m3, 在冬季, 南海、黄海、东海和渤海的盐雾氯离子质量浓度分别为1.31、1.16、0.99和0.60 mg/m3; 工程上常用的过滤器组合F9+M5+G4实测计重效率计算值为98.97%, 不满足室内盐雾控制要求, 而过滤器组合F9+M5+G4+G4实测计重效率计算值为99.68%, 可以满足室内盐雾控制要求。
关键词:  海上风电平台  四大海域  盐雾  盐雾过滤器  计重效率
基金项目:上海勘测设计研究院有限公司科研项目(2021FD (8)-008)
Concentration and filtration testing of outdoor salt sprays based on an offshore wind power design
MIAO Zhixin1, YUAN Yun1, ZHAO Qiantao2, LIAN Zhiwei2
1.Shanghai investigation and design research institute Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200124, China;2.School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
High salt concentration sprays at sea can corrode buildings and damage equipment. In this study, we selected 11 typical areas in four major sea regions for on-site salt spray testing during summer and winter to clarify the relevant salt spray parameter values for the ventilation design of offshore wind power platforms. The actual salt spray weighing efficiency of eight salt spray filter levels was also tested. Research has shown that there are specific sea-area-associated differences in salt spray concentration. In summer, the chloride ion concentrations of the salt sprays in the South China Sea, Yellow Sea, Bohai Sea, and East China Sea were 0.76, 0.45, 0.25, and 0.14 mg/m3, respectively. In winter, they were 1.31, 1.16, 0.99, and 0.60 mg/m3, respectively. The commonly used filter combination in engineering, F9+M5+G4, had a weight efficiency of 98.97%, which does not meet the requirements of indoor salt spray control. However, that of F9+M5+G4+G4 was 99.68%, which meets the requirements of indoor salt spray control.
Key words:  offshore wind power platform  four seas  salt spray  salt spray filter  weight efficiency
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