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段怡心1, 刘一霖2, 张亦飞1, 方欣1, 侯宗浩1, 杨辉1
1.自然资源部第二海洋研究所, 浙江 杭州 310012;2.海南省海洋与渔业科学院, 海南 海口 570100
梳理海上风电场和海水养殖融合发展研究领域的研究内容及未来发展趋势可为中国的海上风电场和海洋牧场结合的有效管理和可持续发展提供参考。以Web of Science核心合集2004年—2024 年的文献数据, 利用知识图谱方法CiteSpace分析、讨论海上风电场和海水养殖融合发展的研究主体、研究热点以及研究前沿等方面, 结果发现: 以德国为代表的欧洲国家在北海开展了大量的研究和实践; 研究热点主要集中于空间规划、决策支持、相互作用评估和可行性分析和综合评估等4个主要方面, 涉及共址问题、综合管理体系、利益相关者参与、潜在冲突/协同作用、渔业位移效应、生态环境/社会/经济/技术影响评估; 研究前沿与研究热点较为一致, 主要为目标物种渔业与海上风电场的共址分析、生态环境/社会/经济/社会相互作用评估以及利益相关者参与。最后, 结合中国海上风电场和海洋牧场融合发展的未来研究工作和管理提出了展望。
关键词:  海上风电场  海水养殖  融合发展  CiteSpace
Integrated development of offshore wind farm and mariculture based on CiteSpace
DUAN Yixin1, LIU Yilin2, Zhang Yifei1, FANG Xin1, HOU Zonghao1, YANG Hui1
1.Second Institution of Oceanography, MNR, Hangzhou 310012, China;2.Hainan Academy of Ocean and Fisheries Sciences, Haikou 570100, China
This review outlines the research hotspots and future evolution of the integrated development of offshore wind farms and mariculture and aims to provide a reference for the effective management and sustainable development of the combination of offshore wind farms and marine ranches in China. This study investigates the literature indexed by Web of Science from 2004 to 2024, mapping international research on the integrated development of offshore wind farms and mariculture using the bibliometric methodologies and toolset of CiteSpace. First, European countries represented by Germany have conducted much research and experimentation in the North Sea region. Second, this study focuses on four aspects: spatial planning, decision support, interaction, and feasibility analysis, which involve co-location issues, integrated management systems, stakeholder participation, potential conflict/synergy, the displacement effect of fisheries and ecological, social, economic, and technological impact assessments. Third, this study fronts and research hotspots are consistent, mainly covering co-location analysis of target species’ fisheries and offshore wind farms, interaction assessment of eco-environmental, economic, and social aspects and stakeholder participation. Finally, based on these findings, this study offers recommendations for further research on the integrated development of offshore wind farms and marine ranches in China.
Key words:  offshore wind farms  mariculture  integrated development  CiteSpace
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