Volume 34,Issue 10,2010 Table of Contents

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  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1370)  View PDF(1849)


Diversity of bacterial community in sediments of Jiaozhou Bay
  LIU Xin,XIAO Tian,ZHANG Wen-yan,DONG Yi and YUE Hai-dong1
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(2229)  View PDF(3055)
Detection of pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from aquatic animals by dulplex PCR
  ZHANG Xiao-jun,LIANG Li-guo,YAN Bin-lun,QIN Lei and QI Yao-zhi
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(2144)  View PDF(2933)
Molecular phylogeny of grapsoid crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda) based on partial sequences of mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene,from China
  XU Jing-ming
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1879)  View PDF(2877)
Distribution of eight enzymes in various organs of Inimicus japonicus
  DONG Xu-hui and LI Ming-yun
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1826)  View PDF(2336)
Chemical constituents of marine mangrove plant Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
  LI Fang,LI Xiao-ming and WANG Bin-gui
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1727)  View PDF(2575)
Antimicrobial activities of extracts from Sargassum fusiforme and Enteromorpha clathrata against aquatic animal pathogens
  LU Yuan,YAN Mao-cang,XU Hong-xiang and NAN Chun-rong
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1972)  View PDF(2471)
The distributive characteristics of chemical forms of heavy metals in water in Linhong river Mouth in Lianyungang sea area
  LI Yu,LI Gu-qi and FENG Zhi-hua
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1747)  View PDF(2738)
Effects of heavy metal exposure on the growth and chlorophyll fluorescence of Dunaliella salina
  WANG Shuai,LIANG Ying,FENG Li-xia and TIAN Chuan-yuan
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1945)  View PDF(3288)
The selectivity of different mesh sized-codends of shrimp trawl to by-catch species
  TANG Yan-li,YANG Bing-zhong,ZHAO Tong-yang,SUN Guo-wei,HUANG Liu-yi and LIANG Zhen-lin
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1811)  View PDF(2157)
Behavior of Exopalaemon carinicauda
  SHEN Hui,WAN Xi-he,XU Pu,YAO Guo-xing,CHEN Ai-hua,ZHANG Zhi-yong,WANG Li-bao,WU Guo-jun,ZHANG Cao-jin and LIU Hai-lin
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(2743)  View PDF(3160)
Automatic anti-collision system for buoys based on microcontroller and fuzzy control
  LIU Su-hua,LI Si-ren and XU Yong-ping
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1875)  View PDF(2906)
  SUN Xiao-zhen and LIU Zhi-gang
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1936)  View PDF(2611)
Effects of salinity and water current on the molting and survival rate of Scylla Serrata
  YU Zhong-li,QIAO Zhen-guo and WANG Jian-gang
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(2023)  View PDF(4332)
Heavy mineral analysis in the sediment originated from the Daguhe River and its environmental significance
  JIN Bing-fu,GONG Li-xin and SONG Jian
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1892)  View PDF(2711)


Comparative study of fatty acid compositions of two dinoflagellates and two diatoms
  LIU Meng-tan,LI Chao-lun and SUN Song
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1794)  View PDF(2572)
Haematococcus pluvialis culture in photobioreactor
  SHEN Yuan,CAI Ming-gang,HUANG Shui-ying,SHI Rong-gui,LI Zhe and LU Xiao-xia
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(2085)  View PDF(6306)
Genetic diversity of ITS sequences in farmed and natural Rhopilema esculentum populations
  SUN Guo-hua,LIU Xiang-quan,YANG Jian-min,ZHANG Xi-jia,LIU Ai-ying and TAN Fu-yi
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1786)  View PDF(2971)
Assessment of the environmental impacts of Changdao Island development
  KONG Mei,HUANG Hai-jun,GAO Xing-guo,MA Li-jie and LIU Yan-xia
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(2053)  View PDF(2728)


Methods and progress of artificial selective breeding on marine-fish
  JI Lei and OU You-jun
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1715)  View PDF(2851)
Effects of Manganese on growth, immunity and anti-stress of aquatic animals
  CHEN Xiao-dan,XIAN Jian-an,GOU Li-na and WANG An-li
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1789)  View PDF(2903)


《海洋与湖沼》2010 年第5 期论文导读
  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1514)  View PDF(1932)


  Published 10月 9日, 2010
  Abstract(1538)  View PDF(2150)
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