| Volume 32,Issue 2,2008 Table of Contents
Experiment and Technology Reports | | | Impacts of burrowing crab on the dissolved inorganic nitrogen exchange at the sediment-water interface in the intertidal flat of the Yangtze estuary | | 刘 杰 | | 2008,32(2):10-16 | | Abstract(1795) View PDF(2279) | | | Biological study on the early life history of barfinflound(Verasper moseri)——Morphological & ecological characteristics of fertilized ova and the embryonic development of barfin flounder | | 肖志忠,于道德,张修峰,徐世宏,马道远,李 军 | | 2008,32(2):17-21 | | Abstract(1845) View PDF(2624) | | | Analysis of inosine monophosphate in six fish musculatures | | 刘 旭,王 军,张 纹,杜佳莹,苏永全 | | 2008,32(2):22-24 | | Abstract(2129) View PDF(3244) | | | Preparation of shrimp Vibrio anguillarum IgY and its effect on protecting from artificial infection | | 朱香萍,张再生,刘宗柱 | | 2008,32(2):25-28 | | Abstract(1957) View PDF(2542) | | | Purification and partial characterization of phenoloxidase from crab Charybdis japonica | | 杨玲玲,樊廷俊,丛日山,汤志宏,孙文杰,刘光兴,孟祥红,朱丽岩 | | 2008,32(2):29-35 | | Abstract(2235) View PDF(2873) | | | Influence of the asymmetric thermodynamic structure on tropical storm motion | | 赵 凯 | | 2008,32(2):36-41 | | Abstract(2188) View PDF(1925) | | | The research on the mineral characteristics of sediment and the responce to the hydrodynamic conditions of the tidal flat,at the northern Yellow River Delta | | 王小花,刘红军,贾永刚 | | 2008,32(2):42-46 | | Abstract(1792) View PDF(2199) | | | Biochemical genetic analysis of isozymes in Boleophthalmus pectinirostris population in Xiepu | | 张春丹,李明云,黄福勇,汪美贞,张海琪 | | 2008,32(2):47-50 | | Abstract(2361) View PDF(2320) | | | Effect of pulsed nutrient supply on the growth of a HAB diatom Skeletonema costatum | | 刘亚林,韩笑天,白 洁,郑 立,刘洁生,杨维东,邹景忠 | | 2008,32(2):51-55 | | Abstract(2016) View PDF(2583) | | | A preliminary study on coral-associated communities in the Xuwen Coral Reef conservation | | 王丽荣,陈锐球,赵焕庭 | | 2008,32(2):56-62 | | Abstract(2065) View PDF(2946) | | | Preparation and structural analysis of C6-CM-glucosamine | | 常 菁 | | 2008,32(2):63-68 | | Abstract(2172) View PDF(2830) | | | The effect on eco-environment and construction of landscape ecology of coastal shelterbelt system of Yantai | | 衣华鹏,张鹏宴,毕继胜,仲少云 | | 2008,32(2):69-73 | | Abstract(1886) View PDF(2701) | |
Reviews | | | Progress in the studies on shell biomineralization | | 张文兵,姚春凤,麦康森 | | 2008,32(2):74-79 | | Abstract(2088) View PDF(3724) | | | Biological characteristics of Mesodinium rubrum and analysis of causes of its blooms | | 王 璐,韩笑天,张洪亮,刘亚林,白 洁,邹景忠 | | 2008,32(2):80-84 | | Abstract(1712) View PDF(3485) | | | Function and signal trans mission of fish interferon | | 毛明光,刘宗柱,张培军 | | 2008,32(2):85-90 | | Abstract(1605) View PDF(2694) | | | A review of genetics and breeding of Litopenaeus vannamei | | 张灵侠,沈 琪,胡超群 | | 2008,32(2):91-95 | | Abstract(1778) View PDF(3789) | |
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