Volume 32,Issue 2,2008 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Experiment and Technology

Effects of several physical and chemical factors on eggs development of Neobenedenia melleni
  周 宸
  Abstract(1915)  View PDF(2309)
The study on bleaching technique of seawater cultivated pearl
  Abstract(2355)  View PDF(2771)


Impacts of burrowing crab on the dissolved inorganic nitrogen exchange at the sediment-water interface in the intertidal flat of the Yangtze estuary
  刘 杰
  Abstract(1795)  View PDF(2279)
Biological study on the early life history of barfinflound(Verasper moseri)——Morphological & ecological characteristics of fertilized ova and the embryonic development of barfin flounder
  肖志忠,于道德,张修峰,徐世宏,马道远,李 军
  Abstract(1845)  View PDF(2624)
Analysis of inosine monophosphate in six fish musculatures
  刘 旭,王 军,张 纹,杜佳莹,苏永全
  Abstract(2129)  View PDF(3244)
Preparation of shrimp Vibrio anguillarum IgY and its effect on protecting from artificial infection
  Abstract(1957)  View PDF(2542)
Purification and partial characterization of phenoloxidase from crab Charybdis japonica
  Abstract(2235)  View PDF(2873)
Influence of the asymmetric thermodynamic structure on tropical storm motion
  赵 凯
  Abstract(2188)  View PDF(1925)
The research on the mineral characteristics of sediment and the responce to the hydrodynamic conditions of the tidal flat,at the northern Yellow River Delta
  Abstract(1792)  View PDF(2199)
Biochemical genetic analysis of isozymes in Boleophthalmus pectinirostris population in Xiepu
  Abstract(2361)  View PDF(2320)
Effect of pulsed nutrient supply on the growth of a HAB diatom Skeletonema costatum
  刘亚林,韩笑天,白 洁,郑 立,刘洁生,杨维东,邹景忠
  Abstract(2016)  View PDF(2583)
A preliminary study on coral-associated communities in the Xuwen Coral Reef conservation
  Abstract(2065)  View PDF(2946)
Preparation and structural analysis of C6-CM-glucosamine
  常 菁
  Abstract(2172)  View PDF(2830)
The effect on eco-environment and construction of landscape ecology of coastal shelterbelt system of Yantai
  Abstract(1886)  View PDF(2701)


Progress in the studies on shell biomineralization
  Abstract(2088)  View PDF(3724)
Biological characteristics of Mesodinium rubrum and analysis of causes of its blooms
  王 璐,韩笑天,张洪亮,刘亚林,白 洁,邹景忠
  Abstract(1712)  View PDF(3485)
Function and signal trans mission of fish interferon
  Abstract(1605)  View PDF(2694)
A review of genetics and breeding of Litopenaeus vannamei
  张灵侠,沈 琪,胡超群
  Abstract(1778)  View PDF(3789)

Science scope

The investigation of abiotic formation of amino acids in the submarine hydrothermal systems
  蒋春跃,沈燕方,叶树明,蒋 凯,杨俊毅,潘勤敏
  Abstract(1622)  View PDF(2843)
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