Volume 36,Issue 5,2012 Table of Contents

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  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(1577)  View PDF(2042)


Dynamic research and analysis of the 2010 La Ni?a
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(1845)  View PDF(2392)
The South China Sea tides analysis based on TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2386)  View PDF(4033)
Development decision of ecologically sensitive island based on analytic hierarchy process——A case on environmental impact assessment of development planning in Jiangsu coastal areas
  周家艳,李 冰,黄夏银,高 鸣,王 水
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2259)  View PDF(2487)
Submarine topography visualization based on Kriging algorithm
  申 静,苏天赟,王国宇,刘海行,李家钢
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2582)  View PDF(4040)
Study of eukaryotic diversity in cold seep sediment of the Okhotsk Sea
  高 远,李富超,姜 鹏,秦 松,栾锡武,秦蕴珊
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2302)  View PDF(2585)
Heterologous expression of acyl-ACP desaturase (FAB2) from Chlamydomonas reinhardti in Escherichia coli and its expression features in response to different temperature and salinity stresses
  郭雪洁,路延笃,张 蕾,姜 鹏,秦 松
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2530)  View PDF(3011)
Pigment-based assessment of the response of phytoplankton to nutrient addition at the Changjiang Estuary
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2466)  View PDF(2648)
Influence of nanometer size titanium dioxide on the content of marine biogenic elements and the growth of Thalassiosira weissflogii
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2200)  View PDF(3460)
Investigation of Net-Phytoplankton Community Structure in Liaodong Bay in Spring of 2009
  栾 莎,宫相忠,双秀芝,高 伟,尹宝树,邢永泽
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(1908)  View PDF(2339)
The Maillard reaction of chitosan oligosaccharide and the antioxidative activities of its derivatives
  孙 涛,朱 云,王燕萍,谢 晶,薛 斌
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(1944)  View PDF(3124)
Isolation and antigenicity analysis of outer membrane proteins from 4 pathogenic Vibrio sp.
  阎斌伦,张晓君,秦国民,毕可然,徐 静,秦 蕾
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2524)  View PDF(2845)
Fluorescence quantitative detection and extraction process optimization of laminarin from kelp
  郑 立,韩 平,刘 涛,崔志松,郭秀春,罗 丹,高 伟
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2394)  View PDF(3557)
Acute toxic effects of ammonia and nitrite on Epinephelus coioides fry
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2213)  View PDF(5291)
Environmental nitrogen and phosphorus loading and water quality of three culture methods in ponds
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2301)  View PDF(3633)
Application of fractal in identification of marine oil spill with gas chromatography
  李洪利,王坚红,程 军,刘 刚,高鑫鑫
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(1839)  View PDF(2617)
A model based on the resource equivalency analysis method to evaluate marine ecological damage by oil spill
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(1920)  View PDF(2750)
Method comparison for measurement of dissolved organic nitrogen in seawater using high temperature combustion and persulfate oxidation
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(1985)  View PDF(3221)
Screening and suitability analysis of microsatellite markers in Cheilinus undulatus
  彭艳辉,骆 剑,尹绍武,朱晓平,胡 静,刘志亮,祝 斐,齐兴柱,胡亚丽
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2496)  View PDF(2950)
Genetic variation and population evolutionary history of the giant mottled eel (Anguillia marmorata) based on the mitochondrial D-loop gene
  丁 旭,齐 鑫,尹绍武
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(2435)  View PDF(2836)


Impact of hypoxia on biogeochemical cycling of biogenic elements in sediment
  杨 波,王保栋,韦钦胜,孙 霞
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(1732)  View PDF(2532)
Research progress on marine bacterial growth efficiency
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(1869)  View PDF(2862)


《中国海洋湖沼学报》(英文版, SCI-E 收录)Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology2012年第2期论文导读
  Published 5月 15日, 2012
  Abstract(1649)  View PDF(1853)
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