Volume 30,Issue 9,2006 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Experiment and Technology

Explore the method about pretreatment of analyzing trace element within high S-rich samples with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry(ICP-MS)
  Abstract(1537)  View PDF(2514)
The studies on the isolation, purification, and chemical composition analysis of polysaccharides DEI and DEII from Sargassum confusum
  赵 宇,李俊卿,张立新,陈 悦,李志萍,陆懋荪,尹佩玉
  Abstract(1742)  View PDF(2108)


The feeding habits and the growth of Nibea diacanthus in the early developmental stage
  张雅芝,胡石柳,李 丽,谢仰杰,胡家财
  Abstract(1832)  View PDF(1959)
Comparative morphology of siganid fishes(Family:Siganidae) from Chinese waters
  马 强,刘 静
  Abstract(1442)  View PDF(2393)
Effects of different inorganic nitrogen sources and concentrations on the growth and biochemical constituents of Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liuiZhang et Xia
  黄鹤忠,孙菊燕,申 华,王永玲
  Abstract(1659)  View PDF(1950)
The influence of enkephalin on hemocyte aggregation and adhesion in Chlamys farreri
  Abstract(1374)  View PDF(2031)
Effects of UV-B radiation on the feeding of the rotifer Brachionus urceus
  冯 蕾,王洪水,潘 蔚,周文礼,唐学玺
  Abstract(1910)  View PDF(1790)
Effects of light intensity on cell transformation,astaxanthin accumulation in three strains of Haematococcus pluvialis and their difference
  李颖逾,刘建国,林 伟,崔效杰,薛彦斌
  Abstract(1929)  View PDF(1928)


The effects of monocrotophos on several enzyme activities in Urechis unicinctus
  Abstract(1971)  View PDF(2079)
Study on the cultural technique of Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, from the Taiwan Strait
  Abstract(1568)  View PDF(2045)
The ecological research of the macrobenthic community in intertidal zone of Hongshiya,Jiaozhou Bay
  Abstract(1741)  View PDF(2015)


Aquatic ecological characteristics of Litopenaeus vannamei in intensive desalination culture ponds
  Abstract(1429)  View PDF(2128)
Advances on the production of special natural carotenoids by microalgae
  刘龙军,魏 东,梁晓芸,陈 峰
  Abstract(1546)  View PDF(2295)
Advances in the studies on immunity of bivalves
  王文琪,徐申波,姜令绪,张玉娜,李 建
  Abstract(1533)  View PDF(2516)
Review on the life history of diatom resting spores
  Abstract(1451)  View PDF(3278)

Science scope

The main causes of jellyfish blooms
  Abstract(1438)  View PDF(3157)
Advances in bioremediation researches on aquacultural environment
  冯敏毅,马 甡,文国樑,于明超
  Abstract(1398)  View PDF(2684)


Application of the compound microbiological preparation in fish pond
  张克强,李 野,李军幸
  Abstract(1691)  View PDF(3191)
Preliminary studies on artificial propagation and biology of the seed of Babylonia lutosa(Lamarck)
  Abstract(1910)  View PDF(2253)
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