摘要: |
报道了2004~2005年菊黄东方鲀(Fugu flavidus)人工繁殖及育苗实验结果。在春季当水温达到20℃以上时,用地欧酮(DOM)、促黄体素释放激素类似物(LHRH)或绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)进行催产,混和或单一使用,剂量视亲鱼性腺成熟度而定。受精卵在海水盐度20.0~30.0,水温20.0~25.0℃条件下,经144~156 h孵化。608万尾仔鱼培育出平均全长4.43 cm、平均体质量1.98 g的幼鱼168.5万尾,成活率27.7%。对亲鱼的暂养、催产、孵化、仔鱼的前期培育和仔鱼的后期培育等关键技术进行了探讨。 |
关键词: 菊黄东方鲀(Fugu flavidus) 繁殖 育苗 |
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基金项目:福建省海洋与渔业局资助项目(闽海渔科0416号) |
Studies on artificial propagation and larva-rearing of Fugu flavidus |
ZHONG Jian-xing,ZHENG Hui-dong,CAI Liang-hou,YANG Huo-sheng,CHEN You-ming,LI Lei-bin
Abstract: |
The paper reports the process and results of studies on artificial propagation and larva-rearing of Fugu flavidus done in Fujian Fisheries Research Institute in 2004~2005. In spring, when the water temperature is above 20℃, mature parent fishes are induced to spawn by injecting DOM,LHRH or HCG, mixedly or respectively. The dosage of hormone depends on the sexual maturity of the parent fishes. The zygotes incubated under the condition of seawater salinity 20.0~30.0 and temperature 20.0~25.0℃. It took 144~156 hours for larvae to hatch. During the studies, about 60.8×106 larvae were obtained., and all larvae were raised in outdoor ponds or indoor concrete pools. At the end, about 16.85×106 fingerlings, which mean total length is 4.43 cm and mean body weight is 1.98 g . The survival rate is 27.7%. The key technologies on parent fishes raised, inducing to spawn, incubation and pre-larvae and post-larvae raising also have been discussed in the present paper. |
Key words: Fugu flavidus propagation larva-rearing |