摘要: |
根据1998~2005年的东海区上海、宁波、江苏和舟山四大渔业公司的鲐鱼(Pneumatophorus japonicus)生产统计数据以及同期的卫星资料反演的海表温度、叶绿素a浓度数据,利用案例推理方法,设定了上级结果的相似距对下级检索的影响权重因子,进一步研究渔场渔情的分析预报。通过试验性预报实例的预报结果与实际情况比较表明,预测精度达到75%,可以较好地反映出渔场的分布,为渔业资源的开发利用服务。 |
关键词: 中心渔场 智能预报 案例推理 东海 鲐鱼(Pneumatophorus japonicus) |
DOI: |
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基金项目:浙江省科研社会发展项目(2007C23075) |
Predicting central fishing ground of Scomber japonica in East China Sea based on case-based reasoning |
ZHANG Yue-xia,QIU Zhong-feng,WU Yu-mei,MIAO Zhen-qing
Abstract: |
In this presentation, considering the comparability weight, the capture data of Scomber japonicu in the East China Sea collected from four major fishery companies during 1998~2005 and sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll a (Chlo-a) derived from satellite images are used to forecast central fishing grounds. The presentation also gives some forecast examples, and the results show the forecast accuracy is up to 75%.This method can offer information for marine fisheries production and fishery managing departments. |
Key words: central fishing ground intelligence prediction case-based reasoning East China Sea Scomber japonicu |