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王以尧1,2, 冯 波1, 卢伙胜1
在300 cm×100 cm×75 cm 的循环水槽内, 对体长40~60 mm 的幼鲻(Mugil cephalus)在6 个不同光照强度、20 min 光照时间内、2 个光照区域和2 种光照模式下的趋光行为进行了统计分析。结果表明, 6 个光照强度对幼鲻的光反应没有显著的影响(P>0.05); 20 min 内光照时间对幼鲻的光反应没有显著的影响(P>0.05); 幼鲻对光呈均等反应, 但对光较暗区的趋性更强一些(P<0.05); 幼鲻在2 种光照模式下的光反应总体趋势一致, 但其光反应程度存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。结果表明幼鲻对光呈均等反应, 但更趋暗光。
关键词:  光照条件  幼鲻(Mugil cephalus)  趋光行为
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(30771653); 农业部渔业资源调查项目(0509109)
Research on the phototactic behavior of Mugil cephalus larva under the different illumination conditions
WANG Yi-yao,FENG Bo,LU Huo-sheng
The wild black mullets of (40~60)mm length were observed and analysed to research their phototactic behavior in the 6 illumination levels and 20 minutes illumination time and 2 illumination modes and 2 illumination districts. The results were as follow, illumination intensity didn’t influence the juvenile mullets’ phototactic behavior significantly on the 6 levels(P>0.05); the time length didn’t influence the juvenile mullets’ phototactic behavior significantly either(P>0.05) within 20 minates illumination time; the juvenile mullets had the average reactions to the illumination, but they prefer to the dimmer backgroud(P<0.05); the general tendency of the juvenile mullets’ phototactic behavior was uniform in the 2 illumination modes, but there were significant difference between two of them in the phototacic degree(P<0.05). It was indicated that the juvenile mullets make the average reactions to the different illumination intensities, but they prefer to the dimmer background.
Key words:  illumination factors  Mugil cephalus  phototatic behavior
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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