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何 蕾1,2,3, 殷克东1, 林志芬1, 田 甜1, 袁翔城1
采用荧光显微技术, 报道了春季(2006 年4 月)海洋病毒丰度在黄海的空间分布, 分析了病毒丰度与细菌丰度、叶绿素a 浓度、温度和盐度的相关关系。研究结果表明, 黄海表层水中病毒丰度的变化范围为1.08×107~9.90×107 个/mL, 平均值是5.62×107 个/mL±2.28×107 个/mL, 细菌丰度的变化范围为0.01×107~0.16×107 个/mL, 平均值是0.07×107 个/mL±0.03×107 个/mL, 病毒丰度大于细菌丰度两个数量级。叶绿素a 浓度表层的变化范围为0.09~4.94 μg/L, 平均值是0.75 μg/L±0.84 μg/L, 最高值出现在长江口附近。通过相关性分析, 在黄海春季, 细菌可能控制着病毒的空间分布, 并且病毒的空间分布受盐度影响较小, 受温度影响较大。
关键词:  黄海  病毒丰度  细菌丰度  空间分布
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重大项目(40490264); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(40676020)
Spatial distribution of viruses in spring in the Yellow Sea
The spatial distribution of viral and bacterial abundance as well as chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations were investigated during spring (April 2006) in the Yellow Sea. The viral abundance varied from 1.08×107 /mL to 9.90×107 /mL with the average of 5.62×107 /mL±2.28×107 /mL in spring, exceeding bacterial abundance (from 0.01×107 /mL to 0.16×107 /mL with the average of 0.07×107 /mL±0.03×107 /mL) by two order of magnitude. The chlorophyll a concentrations varied from 0.09μg/L to 4.94 μg/L with the average of 0.75μg/L±0.84μg/L, and the highest concentration occurred near the Changjiang River estuary. A multiple regression analysis showed that the bacteria and temperature were the main factors governing the viral spatial distribution in the Yellow Sea.
Key words:  Yellow Sea  Viral abundance (VA)  Bacterial abundance (BA)  spatial distribution
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