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蔡明夷1,2, 柯才焕1, 郭 峰1, 王桂忠1, 王志勇2, 王艺磊2
1.厦门大学海洋技术与工程系, 近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室;2.集美大学水产生物技术研究所
比较研究杂色鲍(Haliotis diversicolor)(S)与盘鲍(H. discus discus) (J)正反交F1及其亲本自繁后代的卵裂速度和孵化速度, 以及杂色鲍与盘鲍杂交F1及杂色鲍自繁幼体的成活率。在22~23 ℃下, 杂色鲍自繁后代的早期发育速度快于盘鲍自繁后代。杂色鲍和盘鲍2细胞期分别为授精后45.3 min±8.9 min和59.3 min±8.9 min, 卵裂间隔时间分别为21.7 min±2.9 min 和27.0 min±2.6 min, 孵化时间分别为授精后563.4 min 和711.8 min。SJ 和JS 杂交F1的第一次卵裂速度均比他们的双亲慢, 2细胞期分别为69.3min±17.5 min 和71.7 min±5.8 min; 而卵裂间隔时间(τ0)表现出较强的母本效应, 略长于母本, 分别为22.2 min±4.7 min 和31.3 min±6.1 min; 孵化速度均慢于其母本自繁后代, 分别为授精后632.7 min 和授精后874.3 min。计算结果表明, 自繁和杂交胚胎过程发育经历细胞周期数相当, SS、SJ、JJ 和JS 的从2 细胞到孵化经历时间分别相当于23.9τ0、25.4τ0、24.1τ0和24.8τ0。另一方面, SJ 杂交F1在附着变态阶段大量畸形、死亡, 变态后成活率仅为母本自繁组合的1.2 %, 显现出较高程度的杂交不亲和。本文的研究结果为杂色鲍与盘鲍杂交F1的后续应用开发提供了依据, 也为进一步研究杂交F1的遗传本质及父母本的基因互作关系奠定基础。
关键词:  杂色鲍(Haliotis diversicolor)  盘鲍(H. discus discus)  种间杂交  卵裂间隔时间  成活率
基金项目:国家863 计划项目(2003AA603240, 2006AA10A407)
Early-stage performance of hybrid F1 between Haliotis diversicolor and H. discus discus
In present study, mitotic intervals, hatching speed and survival rate of embryos produced from reciprocal hybrid cross and pure cross of small abalone (S, Haliotis diversicolor) and Japanese abalone (J, H. discus discus) were investigated. At 22~23 ℃, the small abalone developed faster than the Japanese abalone at early stage. The times to reach the two-cell stage were 45.3 min ± 8.9 min post insemination (p.i.) for the small abalone and 59.3 min ± 8.9 min for the Japanese abalone. The small abalone took 21.7 min ± 2.9 min to complete a cleavage cycle and 563.4 min to hatch out, while the Japanese abalone took 31.3 min ± 6.1 min and 711.8 min, respectively. SJ and JS hybrid F1 took more time to two-cell stage than the offspring from both of the control crosses, while their cleavage speed and the hatching speed manifested maternal effect and slower than those of the offspring from the pure cross of their female parent. The calculation result showed that the numbers of mitotic cycles among the crosses were almost equivalent, 23.9τ0 for SS, 25.4τ0 for SJ, 24.8τ0 for JS, and 24.1τ0 for JJ. On the other hand, the survival rate of SJ hybrid F1 was very low, only 1.19% relative to the larvae of pure cross of small abalone after attachment and metamorphosis, showing strong hybridization incompatibility. The results of present study would provide essential data for developing further application of hybrid F1 between Haliotis diversicolor and H. discus discus.
Key words:  Haliotis diversicolor  Haliotis discus discus  interspecific hybridization  mitotic cycle  survival rate
Copyright ©  Editorial Office for Marine Sciences Copyright©2008 All Rights Reserved
Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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