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童宵岭1,2, 时连强2, 夏小明2, 程 林2, 姜呈浩2
1.浙江大学 海洋学院;2.国家海洋局第二海洋研究所
以浙江岬湾砂质海岸象山皇城海滩为例, 运用抛物线模型, 分析得出皇城海滩的冲淤演化动态,并通过历史岸线形态对比探讨皇城海塘对其的影响, 最终提出防止海岸侵蚀的对策。研究结果表明,皇城海滩北部有一定的侵蚀, 其平面形态还未达到静态平衡, 处于不稳定状态; 皇城海滩北段海塘修建得过于靠海, 致使海滩最重要的泥沙补给源——后滨沙丘被阻断, 甚至消失, 同时大潮水位可直接淹没海塘堤脚, 加上海塘前为近破波, 滩面水流和泥沙运动剧烈, 最终导致堤前滩面的冲刷。基于此,防止海岸侵蚀的最佳对策是在拆除、重建海滩北部部分海塘后再进行适当的海滩养护。通过对皇城海滩的稳定性研究, 了解海塘建设的影响, 可为浙江岬湾海滩资源的合理开发、海岸防护工程建设提供一定的科学依据。
关键词:  象山皇城海滩  抛物线模型  冲淤演化  防护对策
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(40806038); 海洋公益性行业科研专项(200905008, 201005010); 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(JG1205, JT1303)
Stability analysis and protection methods for the Huangcheng Beach in Xiangshan County
In this paper, a parabolic model was used to study the stability of the Huangcheng Beach, and the impact of the seawall on the beach was analyzed, and the protection methods were figured out. The results show that erosion was found in the north part of the Huangcheng Beach, and the planform of the Huangcheng Beach hasn′t reached the static equilibrium. The northern seawall was too close to the seaward, so that the backshore dunes formed. The most important sources of supply for the beach, were isolated and disappeared completely. Furthermore, the interaction of spring tide drowning the bottom of the seawall and the breaking waves in the front of seawall made water flow of beach face and sediment movement intensively. Therefore, the scour in the front of seawall happened. Finally, the best countermeasure to prevent the erosion of beach was to use the appropriate beach nourishment after removing and rebuilding the northern part of seawall. Through the study on the stability of the Huangcheng Beach, the impact of seawall on the beach can be well understood. This can provide some scientific basis for the rational development of Zhejiang headland bay beach resources, and construction of coastal protection engineering.
Key words:  the Huangcheng Beach in Xiangshan County  parabolic model  revolution development  protection measures
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