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田 旭1, 徐方建2, 徐 微3, 刘喜玲4
1.中国矿业大学 资源与地球科学学院;2.中国石油大学(华东) 地球科学与技术学院;3.中海油研究总院新能源研究中心;4.中国海洋石油国际有限公司
对位于海南岛南部陆架的S20 孔沉积物进行了岩性、AMS14C 年代、粒度和微量元素分析, 提取了东亚季风演化的代用指标, 初步探讨了该沉积区蕴含的亚洲季风演化信息。结果表明, 近4 400 a以来, S20 孔研究区受相对稳定的水动力条件控制。主要富集于相对粗粒和细粒物质的Zr/Rb 陆源元素比值和<19 μm 细粒敏感粒度组分平均粒径可以作为冬季沿岸流和东亚冬季风强度的代用指标。二者与东海内陆架PC-6 孔以及南海17940 孔海水表层温度变化表现出良好的相似性, 说明中国东南部不同地区季风代用指标揭示出的东亚冬季风演化具有一致性。因此, 相对于陆地和深海而言, 南海陆架区沉积物中同样蕴含着丰富的季风演化信息, 后续高分辨率研究工作亟待开展。
关键词:  陆架  南海  地球化学元素  粒度  亚洲季风  全新世
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41106040, 41430965); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(14CX02038A, 12CX02003A); 青岛市基础研究计划项目(13-1-4-197-jch)
4 400 a East Asian monsoon record from sediments in the continental shelf of the northern South China Sea
Lithology, AMS14C dating, grain-size and trace element analysis were carried out for Core S20, which was retrieved from the continental shelf in the northern South China Sea (SCS). The monsoonal proxies were investigated and the evolution history of East Asian monsoon was discussed in this paper. The results show that since 4 400 a BP, the hydrodynamic conditions in the study area are relatively stable. The Zr/Rb ratio of which enriched mainly in the relatively coarse and fine materials and mean grain-size (MGS) of the finer population are sensitive to the strength of the coastal current, and could be adopted to rebuild the evolution history of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). Both of the Zr/Rb ratio and the finer population MGS correspond well to the sedimentary record of Core PC-6 on the inner shelf of the East China Sea, and sea-surface temperature of Core 17940 from the northern slope of the SCS. This similarity indicates the consistency of EAWM evolution in different areas of the southeast China. Compared with the land and deep-sea proxies, the sediments in the continental shelf area also contain a wealth of information on the Asian monsoon evolution. Therefore, more research with higher resolution need carry out urgently.
Key words:  continental shelf  the South China Sea  geochemical elements  grain-size  Asian monsoon  Holocene
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