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李 浩1, 任宇辉1, 刘凤娇2
1.西北大学信息学院;2.福建省现代分离分析科学与技术重点实验室, 闽南师范大学
以量子技术为基础, 利用光子基本粒子的量子纠缠原理, 由量子态携带在线实时海洋环境监测数据信息, 构建基于量子无线通信的海洋环境监测系统。该系统在无线通信中可确保数据的安全性、系统性、及时性和准确性, 提高信息化和灵活化水平, 可为海洋环境规划、环境管理、环境治理等提供全面安全可靠的监测数据。
关键词:  量子通信技术  无线传输  海洋环境监测  数据安全
基金项目:中国博士后科学基金(No. 2017M622065)
Application of quantum wireless communication technology in environmental monitoring
LI Hao,REN Yu-hui,LIU Feng-jiao
In this study, a marine environmental monitoring system was developed based on quantum technology. The quantum entanglement principle of fundamental particles was employed, whereby the quantum state was the carrier of the real-time marine environmental monitoring data. This quantum-assisted wireless communication system ensures the security, systematicness, timeliness, and data accuracy in wireless communications, thereby improving informationization and flexibility. Thus, it can provide comprehensive and safe monitoring data for marine environmental planning, environmental management and environmental management.
Key words:  Quantum Communication Technology  Wireless Transmission  Marine Environmental Monitoring  Data Security
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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