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李 健1, 刘清容1, 阮成卿1, 訚忠辉1, 冀承振1
为探索来自西北太平洋台风风暴潮与南海局地生成台风风暴潮不同, 本研究在假设两种台风气象条件相同情况下, 研究随台风而来外围海水所形成增水对南海沿岸的影响。以0814“黑格比”强台风风暴潮为基础, 使用ROMS(regional ocean modeling system)模式进行数值模拟并通过设计对比试验方法进行研究, 研究发现在台风登陆时引起的增水最大, 最大增水出现在台风路径右侧, 其中在沿岸区域, 外围海水形成增水约占总增水10%, 且大约3 h后出现增水回震现象。同时, 设计对比试验, 研究来自西北太平洋台风风暴潮对台风路径、台风强度、台风移动速度和流入角等气象条件敏感性, 并获得与前人一致的结果。
关键词:  风暴潮  移动路径  流入角  外围海水
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2016YFC1402000); 中国科学院海洋环流与波动重点实验室开放研究基金(KLOCW1608)
Study of storm surge sensitivity with typhoon and external seawater in the South China Sea
LI Jian,LIU Qing-rong,RUAN Cheng-qing,YIN Zhong-hui,JI Cheng-zhen
To explore the difference between the storm surge generated from the Pacific Northwest and that generated from the South China Sea, we studied the external seawater influence on the storm surge of the South China Sea coast under constant meteorological conditions. Regional ocean modeling system (ROMS) was used to simulate and analyze the external seawater, and a comparative test was performed. The results showed that the maximum surge appeared at the moment the typhoon landed on the right of typhoon path. The external seawater came back after 3 hours, accounting for about 10% of the total surge. Meanwhile, different model results show the same conclusions on the storm surge in terms of typhoon moving paths, change of typhoon strength, increase of typhoon moving speed, different inflow angle, and external seawater evolution.
Key words:  storm surge  typhoon moving paths  inflow angle  external seawater
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