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PEF结合酶法提取方格星虫(Sipunculus nudus)多糖工艺条件
陈 文1, 王湘君2, 邵东旭1, 王玉杰1, 孙宏元1, 公维洁1
1.海南热带海洋学院 海洋科学技术学院;2.海南热带海洋学院 生命科学与生态学院
为了优化提取方格星虫(Sipunculus nudus)多糖工艺实验条件, 采用PEF酶法提取方格星虫多糖,依据料液比、浸提温度、酶底比、PEF电场强度、浸提时间、脉冲数对多糖提取率的影响, 以响应曲面法优化方格星虫多糖提取的最优工艺条件, 通过紫外可见分光光度计测定多糖吸光度进而计算提取率。结果表明: 各因素对方格星虫多糖提取率的影响程度为: 料液比>电场强度>提取温度>提取时间;最优工艺条件为: 料液比(g/mL) 1︰ 7, 浸提温度50℃, 酶底比为2.5%, 电场强度30 kV/cm, 脉冲数为12, 浸提时间2 h; 多糖最大提取率为6.45%。
关键词:  方格星虫(Sipunculus nudus)  PEF  酶法  多糖  响应面法
基金项目:2017年海南省自然科学基金项目资助(217157); 2017年省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201711100005); 2018年度海南省省级重点学科(海洋化学)建设经费资助
The Polysaccharide Extraction Process by PEF Enzyme Binding Method from Sipunculus nudus
CHEN Wen,WANG Xiang-jun,SHAO Dong-xu,WANG Yu-jie,SUN Hong-yuan,GONG Wei-jie
To optimize the extraction process of Polysaccharides from Sipunculus nudus experimental conditions. Study on the PEF enzymatic extraction of Polysaccharides from S. nudus, according to the effects of polysaccharide extraction rate, such as the material liquid ratio, extraction temperature, enzyme substrate ratio PEF, extraction time, electric field strength, pulse number, as well as optimization of surface polysaccharides from S. nudus extraction optimum conditions of respons, and calculation the extraction rate of polysaccharide with absorbance UV visible spectrophotometer. The influence of S. nudus polysaccharide extraction rate: The ratio of material to liquid > electric field strength > extraction temperature > extraction time. The optimum technological conditions are as follows: solid-liquid ratio 1:7g/mL, extraction temperature 50, enzyme base ratio 2.5%, electric field strength 30kV/cm, pulse number 12, extraction time 2h. The maximum extraction rate of polysaccharide is 6.45%. This method is a new experiment with satisfactory results.
Key words:  Sipunculus nudus  PEF  enzyme  polysaccharide  response surface method
Copyright ©  Editorial Office for Marine Sciences Copyright©2008 All Rights Reserved
Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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