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郭文, 梁慧鑫, 吕艳伟, 王春明
聊城大学生命科学学院, 山东 聊城 252059
为了了解浙江洞头岛自由生活线虫(Nematoda)的种类和多样性, 作者对该海域线虫进行分类研究, 发现了2个优势种并进行了重新描述。其中, 丑萨巴线虫(Sabatieria foetida Gagarin & Nguyen Vu Thanh, 2008)为一新纪录种, 主要特征为: 表皮具环状排列的小点, 有较大的点组成的侧装饰, 4根头刚毛较短(3~4 μm), 化感器呈螺旋状(2.5~3.0圈), 交接刺细长, 近端略膨大, 中间开始至远端变细(65~69 μm), 引带具直的引带突(20~25 μm), 具13~15个小的乳突状肛前辅器; 厦门后菱光线虫(Metachromadora xiamenensis Zhou, Zeng, Cai, Fu & Tan, 2020)特征为: 表皮具明显环纹, 4根头刚毛短且粗, 脊线由食道中部延伸至尾中部, 双环状化感器位于身体最前端, 交接刺近端具头状膨大(58~65 μm), 肛前辅器细管状(15个), 尾为短圆锥形。同时, 获得了两种线虫核糖体大亚基(LSU)的D2-D3片段序列数据, 构建了两种线虫基于贝叶斯推论法(Bayesian inference, BI)和最大似然法(maximum likelihood, ML)的系统发育树, 结果表明萨巴线虫属和后菱光线虫属表现出了多系进化的趋势。
关键词:  丑萨巴线虫(Sabatieria foetida)  厦门后菱光线虫(Metachromadora xiamenensis)  LSU  系统发育
Morphological descriptions and phylogenetic analysis of two dominant species of free-living marine nematodes in Dongtou Island, Zhejiang
GUO Wen, LIANG Huixin, LV Yanwei, WANG Chunming
College of Life Sciences, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252059, China
Two dominant species, Sabatieria foetida Gagarin & Nguyen Vu Thanh, 2008 and Metachromadora xiamenensis Zhou, Zeng, Cai, Fu, & Tan, 2020, were redescribed during the classification and diversity studies of free-living marine nematodes in Dongtou Island, Zhejiang Province. S. foetida was first described as a recorded species and characterized by a cuticle with small punctuations and lateral differentiation with large dots, four short cephalic setae (3-4 μm in length), spiral-shaped amphidial fovea (2.5-3.0 turns), curved spicules with proximal ends that are cephalate and slender from the middle part, gubernaculum with straight apophysis (20-25 μm in length), and 13-15 papilliform precloacal supplements. Furthermore, M. xiamenensis is characterized by a coarsely striated cuticle with lateral alae starting from the middle pharynx to the tail, four short and stout cephalic setae, amphids with a double contour at the anterior end, spicules with a cephalated proximal end (58-65 μm in length), 15 tubular precloacal supplements, and a short and conical tail. The D2-D3 fragments of the LSU rDNA of S. foetida and M. xiamenensis were amplified and sequenced. Moreover, phylogenetic trees based on Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood revealed polyphyletic evolution in the genera Sabatieria and Metachromadora.
Key words:  Sabatieria foetida  Metachromadora xiamenensis  LSU  phylogeny
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