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引用本文:沈锡权,杨官品,廖梅杰.单条固定线虫基因组DNA提取及18S rRNA基因PCR扩增[J].海洋科学,2005,29(5):33-36.
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单条固定线虫基因组DNA提取及18S rRNA基因PCR扩增
沈锡权1, 杨官品1, 廖梅杰1
关键词:  线虫  固定  基因组DNA  18S核糖体RNA基因
Isolation of fixed nematode individual genomic DNA and amplification of18S ribosomal RNA gene fragments
Based on the lengths and yields of PCR products, eight template DNAs were isolated from marine nematode individuals and stored respectively in four fixing solutions (acetone, absolute alcohol, alcohol with 0.05 mol/L EDTA(pH8.0) and 5% formalin in seawater) using two different genomic DNA isolation methods (alkaline lysis and protease K treatment) were compared for their performances in the amplification of 18s ribosomal RNA gene fragments. It was found that absolute alcohol is the best fixing solution for preparing PCR template DNA, and 5% formalin in seawater is the best for keeping morphological characters of nematode individuals. The genomic DNA isolated with protease K treatment was better for PCR amplification than that isolated with alkaline lysis. Our results would help approach to taxonomical and ecological studies of free-living marine nematode.
Key words:  nematode  fixation  genomic DNA  18S ribosomal RNA gene
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