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引用本文:许广平,仲霞铭,丁亚平,刘培庭,汤建华,许 璞.黄海南部小黄鱼群体遗传多样性研究[J].海洋科学,2005,29(11):34-38.
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许广平1, 仲霞铭1, 丁亚平1, 刘培庭1, 汤建华1, 许 璞1
以黄海南部吕泗渔场的小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)群体为研究对象,采用ISSR技术对其遗传多样性进行分析。在使用的99 个引物中,有10 个引物可扩增出清晰稳定的条带,共计64 条,分子质量在300~3 000 bp。其中多态性片段42 条,多态性片段比例为65.63%,个体间相似性系数0.666 7~0.876 4,平均为0.781 3,个体间平均遗传差异为0.218 7。Shannon 多样性指数12.083 2,多样性值0.188 8。表明黄海南部小黄鱼群体保持较高的遗传多样性,具有较大的变异潜力。提出应采取有效管理保护措施,以维持小黄鱼群体的遗传多样性水平,使该渔业资源得到合理利用。
关键词:  小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)  遗传多样性  ISSR
基金项目:江苏省科技公益专项 (BM2004704)
The research on genetic diversity of Pseudosciaena polyactis population from the southern part of the Yellow Sea
Inter-simple sequence repeat amplification method was used to investigate the genetic diversity of Pseudosciaena polyactis population from the southern part of the Yellow Sea. Amplifications with 10 ISSR primers selected from 99 primers generated 64 reproducible and stable bands, ranging from 300~3 000 bp, 42 of which were polymorphic, and percentage of polymorphic loci was 65.63%. The genetic similarity index among individuals was 0.781 3 on average, ranging from 0.666 7~0.876 4. Genetic distance is 0.218 7 on average. Shannon Weveis index of phenotypic diversity and Shannon Weveis value of phenotypic diversity were 12.083 2 and 0.188 8 respectively. The results indicated that the genetic diversity of P. polyactis was high. In the further production many effective husbandry and management measures must be taken to keep the genetic diversity so as to enable to obtain the sustainable development of the mariculture.
Key words:  Pseudosciaena polyactis  genetic diversity  Inter-simple sequence repeat amplification
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