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引用本文:王仁超,朱 琳,杨 弢,邬 旺.综合机制下氯离子扩散迁移模型及敏感性研究[J].海洋科学,2006,30(7):21-28.
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王仁超1, 朱 琳1, 杨 弢1, 邬 旺1
天津大学 建筑工程学院
缩短钢筋混凝土结构使用寿命的主要原因之一是氯离子对混凝 土的扩散侵蚀。研究各种因素对氯离子扩散的影响,准确预测氯离子侵蚀程度是修复和加固钢筋混凝土结构的重要依据。作者基于Fick第二定律,推导出混凝土 氯离子综合机制扩散迁移模型,确定了温度、时间、混凝土结合作用以及结构劣化效应与氯离子扩散系数之间的关系,并对各种影响机制的内在相关性和重要性进行 了敏感性分析。经过工程实验验证,证明了改进后的氯离子扩散迁移模型的正确性和合理性。
关键词:  使用寿命  扩散模型  综合机制  氯离子扩散  钢筋混凝土  费克第二定律  敏感性分析
A multi-mechanistic chloride diffusion and transport model and sensitivity study
One of the major causes of reduction of serve life of reinforced concrete structures is chloride diffusion in the structures where corrosion of the reinforcing steel occurs. The study of influencing mechanisms of chloride diffusion and the accurate evaluation of chloride incursion are the important gist of the repair and reinforcing of the reinforced concrete structure. Based on Fick’s second law of diffusion, this paper developed a theoretical multi-mechanism diffusion and transport model of chloride ion and considered the relation between chloride diffusion coefficient and mechanisms, such as time, temperature, micro-defect and binding effect of concrete. The sensitivity of inherent relativity and roles of the various mechanisms are analyzed. In addition, the application of this diffusion and transport model is verified with experimental and engineering data.
Key words:  serve life  diffusion model  multi-mechanism  chloride diffusion  reinforced concrete structures  Fick’s second law of diffusion  sensitivity analysis
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