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引用本文:何 滔,肖志忠,刘清华,李 军,赵春彦,徐世宏,马道远.条石鲷鳔器官早期发育的组织学观察[J].海洋科学,2010,34(12):8-13.
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何 滔1,2, 肖志忠1, 刘清华1, 李 军1, 赵春彦1,2, 徐世宏1, 马道远1
应用石蜡切片技术和显微测量法, 对条石鲷(Oplegnathus fasciatus)鳔的早期发生、分化和形成过程进行了连续观察。结果显示: 条石鲷为闭鳔鱼类, 在水温为23.5℃±0.5℃的条件下, 鳔的形成过程可分为鳔原基出现、鳔管形成、鳔腔充气、鳔管退化及气腺形成4 个时期。1 日龄(孵化后第2 天)仔鱼,在食道与肠的交界处分化出鳔原基; 4 日龄, 鳔管原基出现; 5 日龄, 气腺原基出现; 6 日龄, 迷网出现; 8日龄, 鳔管形成; 10 日龄, 鳔开始充气; 17 日龄, 鳔充气完毕, 鳔管开始退化; 20 日龄左右, 鳔管从幽门处完全脱离; 25 日龄, 气腺迷网发育完全; 30 日龄, 鳔管完全消失, 鳔的发育基本完善。在条石鲷的苗种培育过程中, 鳔器官的发育影响到条石鲷仔鱼的成活率。
关键词:  条石鲷(Oplegnathus fasciatus)  早期发育    组织学
基金项目:中国科学院创新性前沿项目(KSCX2-YW-N-47-08); 国家农业科技成果转化资金项目(05EFN2166000453); 青岛市科技发展计划项目(05-1-HY-79)
Histological observation of swim bladder during early development stage of Japanese parrotfish(Oplegnathus fasciatus Temminck et Schlegel 1844)
Based on the histological observations under optical microscope, we found that the Japanese parrotfish belonged to physoclistous fish. The development of swim bladder in Japanese parrotfish included four stages: generation of anlage, formation of pneumatic duct, initial inflation, degeneration of the pneumatic duct, and formation of gas gland. At 23.5 ± 0.5 ℃, the primordial swim bladder was first observed at 1 DAH. The primordium of pneumatic duct, gas gland and rete mirabile were present at 4, 5, and 6 DAH, respectively. The initial inflation occurred at 10 DAH, and finished at 17 DAH. The pneumatic duct began to degenerate from pylorus at 17 DAH and disappeared entirely at 30 DAH. The swim bladder was functional from 30 DAH and onward.
Key words:  Japanese parrotfish  early development  swim bladder  histology
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