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引用本文:钱耀森,郑小东,王培亮,李 琪.天鹅湖长蛸营养成分的分析及评价[J].海洋科学,2010,34(12):14-18.
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钱耀森1, 郑小东1, 王培亮2, 李 琪1
对长蛸(Octopus minor)肌肉组织营养成分、营养价值进行了分析评定。结果表明: 长蛸肌肉样品中, 粗蛋白、粗脂肪、灰分的鲜质量分数和干质量分数分别为14.85%和71.80%、0.41%和2.0%、1.94%和9.36%, 水的质量分数为79.30%; 测得17 种氨基酸, 总质量比是651.7 mg/g, 必需氨基酸质量比为256.5 mg/g, 占氨基酸总量的39.36%; 必需氨基酸中色氨酸得分最高为217, 所有必需氨基酸均在53分以上, 半胱氨酸+蛋氨酸为第一限制性氨基酸; 共检测10 种主要脂肪酸, 其中EPA+DHA的总质量分数为31.23%(雌)、32.10%(雄); 富含钠、钾、钙、镁、铁等11 种矿物元素, 微量矿物元素中锌质量比最高, 为111.36 mg/g ; 维生素A、B 含量丰富。
关键词:  长蛸(Octopus minor)  营养成分  营养评价
Analysis and evaluation of nutritive composition of Octopus minor in Lake Swan
In this paper, the nutritive composition in the muscle of Octopus minor was analyzed. The contents of crude protein, crude lipid and ash were 14.85%(71.8% in dry), 0.41% (2.0% in dry), and 1.94% (9.36% in dry), respectively; and the content of water was 79.30%. There were 17 kinds of amino acids. The total content of amino acids was determined to be 651.7 mg per gram of dry matter, in which the content of essential amino acids was 256.5 mg per gram, making up 39.36% of total amino acids. Every AAS was more than 53. Cys+Met had the lowest AAS, which was 53.14 in essential amino acids. Trp had the highest AAS, which was 217. The ten kinds of main fatty acids were assayed. The contents of EPA+DHA were 31.23% (♀) and 32.10% (♂), respectively. In addition, O. minor was rich in 11 minerals, such as Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Fe. The highest trace mineral element was Zn, which was 111.36 mg per kg. Vitamins A and B were also rich.
Key words:  Octopus minor  nutritional composition  nutrition evaluation
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