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引用本文:郑向阳,邢前国,李 丽,施 平.2008 年黄海绿潮路径的数值模拟[J].海洋科学,2011,35(7):82-87.
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2008 年黄海绿潮路径的数值模拟
郑向阳1,2,3, 邢前国1,3, 李 丽1,2,3, 施 平1,3
利用FVCOM 模式拉格朗日粒子跟踪模块模拟了2008 年5 月到7 月黄海绿潮漂移路径, 根据遥感图像选取粒子跟踪的初始位置和初始时刻, 模式中加入M2, S2, K1, O1四个主要分潮和Quickscat 每日风场资料作为驱动, 模拟的粒子运动的主要路径和到达青岛近岸的时间与遥感图像对比都比较吻合。该结论进一步验证了前人关于青岛绿潮来源于苏北沿岸这一结论, 又表明FVCOM 模式可以为以后的绿潮生态模型研究提供背景流场。
关键词:  黄海  浒苔(Ulva prolifera)  FVCOM  粒子跟踪
基金项目:中国科学院知识创新工程项目(KZCX2-YW-Q07-01); 中国科学院对外合作项目(GJHZ200811)
Numerical simulation of the 2008 green tide in the Yellow Sea
Lagrangian Paricle Tracking Module of the finite-volume ocean numerical model FVCOM was used to simulate the green tide in the south Yellow Sea from May to July 2008. Initial sites and time of particles were determined according to the remote sensing images. The model contained four main tidal constituents M2, S2, K1, and O1, and was driven by Quickscat daily wind data. The simulated pathway of prolifera and the date when green tide arrived at Qingdao offshore fit well with remote sensing data. This result supports the viewpoint of former researchers that the green tide of 2008 were not originated from Qingdao, but from the north of Jiangsu Province. The result also shows that the FVCOM model can offer flow field for future ecological model studies of green tide.
Key words:  the Yellow Sea  Ulva prolifera  FVCOM  particle tracking
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