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引用本文:李学刚,袁华茂,许思思,段丽琴,李 宁,张 默,宋金明.胶州湾滨海湿地盐渍土壤中重金属的聚集与分散特性研究[J].海洋科学,2011,35(7):88-95.
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李学刚1, 袁华茂1, 许思思1,2, 段丽琴1,2, 李 宁1, 张 默1,2, 宋金明1
以胶州湾东北沿岸盐渍土壤为主要研究对象, 分析探讨了滨海盐渍土壤对10 种微量重金属的聚集/分散特征。结果表明, 胶州湾东北沿岸盐渍土壤中Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、As、Cr、Co、Ni、V、Mo 主要来源于成土母质花岗岩的风化产物, Cu、Zn、Cr、Cd、Pb、Ni 为“盐渍土壤聚集元素”, As、Co、V、Mo 为“盐渍土壤分散元素”。盐渍土壤中As、Co、Ni、V、Mo 基本没有受到人为污染, Pb、Zn大部分区域无污染, 局部区域有轻度污染, Cu 和Cr 在一半的区域无污染, 在另一半的区域有偏轻度污染, Cd 则存在轻到中度污染, 需要加以关注。胶州湾东北沿岸盐渍土壤中10 种重金属受人为污染影响的程度Cd>>Cu>Cr>>Zn>Pb>>Ni>V >Co>As>Mo。胶州湾东北沿岸盐渍土壤中重金属的含量除受物质来源影响外, 还受重金属本身的性质和其上植被的影响, 特别是其上生长的优势盐生植物碱蓬可明显吸收盐渍土壤中的Cd、Pb 等重金属, 碱蓬可以作为修复受Cd、Pb 等重金属污染的盐渍土壤。
关键词:  聚集/分散  重金属  盐渍土壤  碱蓬  胶州湾东北沿岸湿地
基金项目:中国科学院知识创新方向群项目(KZCX2-YW-Q07-02); 国家自然科学基金委创新群体项目(40821004); 国家973 课题(2007CB407305)资助
Accumulation/dispersion of heavy metals in the saline soil of the Jianzhou Bay northeastern coastal wetland
Soil salinization is a worldwide resource and ecological problem, and systemic study on saline soil is the foundation for its bioremediation. The accumulation/dispersion of heavy metals in the saline soils was discussed based on the research on the saline soils in the northeastern coastal wetland of Jiaozhou Bay. The variations of Cu and Zn concentrations in saline soils of the Jiaozhou Bay northeastern coast were great and their concentrations were higher than the soil background values; the concentrations of Pb, Cd and Cr had little difference between sample stations but were higher than the background values; the variations of As and Mo concentration were not prominence and their concentrations were lower than the background values; the distribution was similar to V ,Co and Ni, the concentrations of which in the northern part were somewhat higher than the soil background values whereas in the southern part were slight lower than the soil background values. Cu, Zn, Cr, Cd, Pb, and Ni were “elements accumulated by saline soil” and As、Co、V、Mo “elements dispersed by saline soil”. As, Co, Ni, V, Mo, Cu, Zn and Pb of saline soils in the northeastern coast of the Jiaozhou Bay mainly came from soil parent materials and were not influenced by anthropogenic activities, whereas Cr and Cd mainly originated from industrial and agricultural inputs by Qingdao besides the parent materials. Pb and Zn in most of the saline soil were not polluted, but light polluted in some areas of the northeast coastal in the Jiaozhou Bay. Half of the studied stations had no pollution of Cu and Cr, but the other half stations were polluted slightly by Cu and Zn. However, there was mild to moderate pollution for Cd. The pollution severity of the heavy metals in the region followed the order of Cd>>Cu>Cr>>Zn> Pb>>Ni>V >Co>As>Mo. Beside the effect of material source, the concentrations of heavy metals in saline soils of the northeastern coast of the Jiaozhou Bay were influence by the nature of heavy metals and vegetation on the soil. The dominant halophyte Suaeda Salsa can significantly absorb Pb and Cd from the saline soil, so alleviating the corresponding contamination of the soil.
Key words:  accumulation/dispersion  heavy metal  saline soil  Suaeda salsa  the Jianzhou Bay northeastern coastal wetland
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