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刘志刚1, 刘建勇1, 刘付少梅2
于2010 年8 月至2011 年5 月期间, 在湛江港北月村滩涂的自然生态条件下, 研究了不同潮位、不同密度及不同季节对皱肋文蛤(Meretrix lyrata)种苗中培效果的影响。结果表明: (1)北月村滩涂中潮区(养殖区)底质的主要成分是砂砾(粒径0.200 mm 以上), 占64.7%~87.5%; 其次是细沙(0.200~0.050mm), 占11.0%~32.2%; 粉沙(0.050 mm 以下)仅占1.5%~7.9%。总体呈现由高潮位向低潮位砂砾含量逐渐减少, 细沙含量逐渐增加的趋势。该底质适合皱肋文蛤的生长与存活。(2)不同潮位对种苗的生长及存活均具有显著的影响(P<0.05), 潮位越低, 生长速度越快; 中潮中区及下区的存活率高于中潮上区,皱肋文蛤适宜在中潮中区及下区的潮位进行中培。(3)中培密度对种苗生长速度和存活率存在显著的影响(P<0.05), 密度越低, 生长速度越快, 存活率越高; 中培初始密度以7 000~12 000 粒/m2 为宜。(4)皱肋文蛤种苗生长速度与季节密切相关, 在水温较高的夏秋季(31.3~24.5℃)生长较快, 在水温较低(15.1~18.1℃)的冬季生长停滞, 在水温回升的春季(22.5~26.8℃), 生长速度回升。在秋冬春三个季节,种苗壳长、壳高及体质量的生长曲线呈“S”型。(5)不同投苗季节, 贝苗的存活率存在显著性差异; 在夏、秋、冬三季, 总体呈现由高温季节向低温季节递减的趋势。但在夏末和秋初, 其水温没有较大变化的情况, 其贝苗存活率差异不明显。在实际生产中, 最佳的投苗季节是水温较高的夏季和秋季。研究结果对新兴的皱肋文蛤养殖产业具有重要的指导意义。
关键词:  皱肋文蛤(Meretrix lyrata)  潮位  密度  季节  生长  中间培育
基金项目:广东省海洋渔业科技推广专项(A200899E04,A200908E05); 广东高校热带海产无脊椎动物养殖工程研究中心科研项目(GCZX-A0909)
Effects of tide level, culture density and season on growth and survival of wrinkled clam, Chlamys nobilis, juveniles
Effects of tide level, culture density and season on the growth and survival of wrinkled dam (Chlamys nobilis) juveniles were studied. The experiments were conducted at the beach of Beiyue village of Zhanjiang, Guangdong province from August, 2010 to May, 2011. The results were: (1) The beach was mainly composed of rough sand (graint size 0.200mm and above), fine sand (0.200~0.050mm) and silt (0.050mm or less), which accounting for 64.7%~87.5%, 11.0%~32.2% and 1.5%~7.9%, respectively. The content of rough sand and silt showed increasing and decreasing trend, respectively from high to low tide. The beach was suitable for the growth and survival of Chlamys nobilis. (2) Tide level significantly (P<0.05) affected the growth rate of juvenile, the juvenile cultured in low tidal level gained the highest growth rate. So the middle and lower mid tide zone was most suitable for the growth of the rib wrinkled clam juvenile. (3) Density had a significant effect on the growth and the survival of juvenile, low density permit a faster growth and a higher survival rates, the density of 7000~12000 particle /m2 being the most appropriate for juvenile. (4) The growth rate of the juvenile significantly (P<0.05) was related to Season. The growth rate of juvenile was higher in summer and autumn when the water temperature was high (24.5~31.3℃), the growth of juvenile stopped in spring when the water temperature was low (15.1~18.1 ℃) and the growth rate increased with the increasing of water temperature in spring (22.5~26.8 ℃). During spring and autumn, the growth curves of shell length, shell height and shell weight trend were “S” shaped. (5) Significant differences of juvenile survival were detected among different seasons (autumn, summer and winter), which may related to the difference of water temperature. From summer and autumn to winter, the survival rate showed decreasing trend, though the difference were not significant between autumn and summer. Summer and autumn were suggested as the best juvenile breeding seasons in production practice. The present results provide data for future aquaculture of rib wrinkled clam.
Key words:  Chlamys nobilis  tide  density  season  growth
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